Can’t Operate – Too Close to Blood Vessel??

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    According to my surgeon, Dr. Fong, at Sloan Kettering, the tumor in my liver has obliterated 2 of the 3 hepatic arteries and is wrapped at least partially around my vena cava. He says he would have to cut it off and do an oblation to burn the cells that he can’t cut off. The same for the lymph nods that have “wrapped around” parts of my pancreas, duodenum and small intestines.I would be very interested to hear from a surgeon that tumors, etc don’t actually adhere to veins, etc. It would probably cause me to get another opinion.


    Several members have posted that they can’t have resections because the tumors are too close to blood vessels. In 2006, jules posted that her father had undergone an unsuccessful resection because the tumor was too close to a major artery, the vena cava. Surgeons at Mayo Clinic and Sloan-Kettering would not do a second surgery because they agreed with this decision. However, a Professor Peter A. Lodge, Leeds, UK, agreed to a second surgery and was successful, telling her dad that “the tumor peeled away quite easily from the artery.”

    So, does a surgeon actually have the cut the tissue around the blood vessel to remove the tumor or can the two be separated just by pulling them apart. Do tumors grow into the blood vessel walls so that the only way to separate them is by cutting?


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