cc and my DAD-

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    Normaalicia, that is good news about your Dad. You sound like a wonderful family with your great attitudes and game plans. Sending Prayers and thoughts your way for strength and endurance and of course for Dad to feel much better.


    God is Awesome

    Well my dads been on this new chemo for about 4 weeks, he got his results this week. I counted 5 tumors. All tumors shrank 20 to 30%. The doctor was so EXcited . He will continue to take this chemo for awhile longer or until his body cannot take it anymore. There was one tumor in the lung that actually grew.

    He had been real sick to the point that I didn’t think he was going to make it. In the hospital twice, has VRE- SuperBug. Case management services kept coming into the room to make sure my dad had a Living Will. So we knew he was very sick and probably wouldn’t make it. He proved them wrong. They sent him home , started cycle 2 of chemo. Slept all the time, wouldn’t eat.

    We called the family together to make sure all his affairs were in order.

    When he was well enough to travel we took a trip to his home town. My sister and I had a Mission. We went to the Funeral Home and made sure everything was in order. That was very tramatic for us. His wishes are to go home when he passes.

    On this trip he saw his sisters and they prayed for him. He was so sick I was ready to take him to the hospital. He had terrible stomach aches. I Believe in the Power of Prayer. On the way home he was alert and could actually walk without a cane.

    This Chemo is called Aurora Kinasa Inhibitor. A clinical trial my dad just started . I encourage everyone who has this terrable illness to look for other options. I pray my dad gets cured. But only the LORD knows what is in store for him.


    Thank you everyone for your well wishes.
    My dad is going to MD Anderson in Houston, TX. Clinical Trial Protocol 2009-0827 aurora kinasa inhibitor . Next week he will be scaned and I will let you know the outcome. My dad has two tumors in bile duct in the liver . The cancer has spread to the liver and lympth nodes in that area. The report says he has cholangiocarinoma with metastasis involving extensive adenopathy. Not sure what that means. Are all his lympth nodes enlarged or liver or tumors in lung ? Will ask dr when we go see him next week. He is no longer confused but is experiencing alot of abdominal pain. Feels constipated he says, but he is not. Lots of cramping, no fever. Tempted to take him back to hospital if cramping continues. Might be because of the VRE virus. Now I am confused and concerned. How do I know its the chemo or is it his illness thats effecting him. Plus my poor dad has an abdominal aortic aneurysm measuring 3.4 cm. I see him deteriorating as the days go by. Will the Drs tell us when they can no longer do anything for him or how much time he has left? Thank you again for letting me get this off my chest.


    Welcome, Normaalicia – my sister sleeps a LOT of the time, too. The docs seem to consider it a response to the chemo still in her body & the tablets she’s on, rather than the cancer. My best wishes to you & your dad.



    Dear Normaalicia, welcome to our wonderful family! I have heard of stepping in to the ring but your gloves are ‘golden’. What couragous people you are and with your attitudes it all just has to get better. Many thoughts and prayers are being sent to you and our wish is for your Father to be able to continue and then to show some positive scans. Please keep us posted.


    Hi Normaalicia,

    Welcome to the site, although I am sorry to hear about your dad and that you had to find us all. But I am glad that you all joined us here as you will get so much support and help from us all. That sure is some fight that your dad is fighting and yes, he is indeed a fighter and long may that continue.

    From what you say, it sounds like you are doing everything that you can for your dad, especially so in finding a surgeon who would operate after one said they would not. I know that all of this is so tough to deal with, but you are doing a great job here for your dad. Yes it is all shocking and I went through that with my dad, he was diagnosed with inoperable CC in 2008 and it took a while for it all to sink in, then as Marion says, the gloves come off then the fight begins.

    Hopefully your dad will be able to get a scan soon and I will keep my fingers crossed for some good news from this. In the meantime, please feel free to ask any questions that you may have and we will all help if we can. And please let us know how your dad is doing.

    Best wishes to you and your dad,



    Dear normaalicia18,

    Welcome to the board, I’m sorry to hear about the bad time your Dad has been having. As Marion said the shock of the diagnosis of cc is huge and knocks you for six. But then you find a strength to carry on and fight, it sounds like your Dad is a determined man….

    Whereabouts is your Dad being treated? Has he sought a second opinion at all?

    Please keep us informed and come back here for support and advice, we are a friendly bunch!!



    normaalicia18….We love to welcome new members. Thank you for joining in. I believe that the feeling of “shock” overcomes most of us when being confronted with this disease. But, soon we learn to put on the boxing gloves and take on this illness. Your Dad is a fine example of that. I am wondering: which clinical trial is your Dad participating in? When is your Dad due to have his next scans? Also, have you mentioned your Dad’s current symptoms to his treating physician especially, the present confusion?
    As you have mentioned, your Dad is a fighter. May it continue.
    Best wishes,


    I am glad I have found this site. My dad was diagnosed with cc in April 09. Stage 4 , Poor prognoses. Report said his Liver was prune like and cancer had spread to lungs. We were in shock.

    After 6 months of Gemzar, he was put on Tarceva, Well the Tarceva made a hole in his intestines and bladder. The surgeon did not want to operate. He had a very bad infection and would probably not survive the operation.
    We found a surgeon who operated and he is still with us. He was off of chemo for 4 months. The Cancer has spread and is not reponding to Xeloda.

    Two weeks ago he enrolled in a Clinical trial. Well that made him real sick and ended up in the hospital . Diagnosed with a super bug – VRE. Again my dad proved he is a fighter.

    This last week he finished cycle 2 of the clinical trial. He is very weak, confused, sleeps alot. Just not my dad. We pray that its the chemo and not his cancer that has him like this. Not sure what will happen next , we are waiting for him to get new scans to see if this new chemo worked.

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