CC and my Dad Antonio Moreno

Discussion Board Forums In Remembrance CC and my Dad Antonio Moreno

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    I am sorry you have lost your father, he sounds like a brave man and it is good he taught you not to fear death. Que en paz descanse.



    Dear Normaalicia,

    I am very sorry to hear of your dads passing. Please accept my sincerest condolences. I am glad that his passing was peaceful and know that he will always be with you.

    My thoughts are with you and your family.



    I am so sorry to hear of your dad’s passing but that it was peacful must be comforting to you and your family. Know that he will always be with you in your heart and memories. My thoughts and prayer go out to you and your family.

    Love & Hugs,


    Dear Normaalicia, Please accept my deepest sympathy and yet I am happy that Dad went so peacefully home. I didn’t want anyone to be scared about our Hospice visit but my aim was to let everyone know so that, as you did, they can look for what is happening. And again it could have been just an isolated case. We are working on it. I am sure that your Father was so very proud of you and honestly you will begin to feel him all around you and know he is still watching over you. I am sending Prayers to you and your family.


    Norma….so sorry to hear about your dad’s passing. Words alone cannot express….when my Tom gets there he will have a building and fishing partner waiting for him! Tom has build many a ‘cabin’ during his life and just loved doing that! And fishing, oh my goodness, you have no idea!

    Hugs to you and your family.



    I am so glad that you are at peace and that your Dad was ready to go fishing and build homes. This is never easy for us loved ones left behind but it sounds like your dad had a gentle passing. Take Care.


    My dad passed on January 18, 2011 . He had CC for 18 months. He took his chemo well, did not suffer , nor did his hair fall out. But in December 2009 he fell ill to diverticulites. I think from Tarceva. He developed 2 fistulas and had to have surgery to repair them. From January thru March 2010 he did not have any chemo due to surgery. In that time his tumor grew and cancer in the liver spread to lungs. He tried chemo but that did not stop the Cancer from spreading. Also tried 2 clinical trials and was left very weak and ended up in the hospital many times. In November after the Clinical trial he was in the Hospital and the scans showed that the CC had progressed. In December he decided that he couldnt take any more chemo. His Dr. said that it was better if he stopped, at that time I asked Dr. how much time my dad had. He said he couldnt tell me. Well my dad lasted 6 weeks from the time he stopped the chemo. We called Hospice. Kind of scared for I had read Laineys post . I knew what to look for when Hospice came. The nurses were very friendly and they told us they were here to treat his pain. My dad never complained. he was always smiling. Up until the last week, he was dancing in the hall way. He suddenly got a burst of energy. cleaned his room and wanted to take a trip to see his brother. He had seen all his siblings except for that one brother.
    We were told by Hospice to look for the SIGNS. Suddenly he became confused and could not swollow. He said he saw all his friends and family that had passed. Went fishing and built homes with his Carpenter friends. He was ready to join them. Hospice was here 24 hrs. Suddenly he went into a coma and passed the next day. He had a smile on his face as they took him. My family was afraid to let him pass at home. My DAD taught us not to fear DEATH. We are at PEACE. We miss him for its been two weeks.
    We rejoice that the Lord has him. My dad was a Master Carpenter. I see him building homes in Heaven. I want to Thank every one who posts on this site. I am sorry we all have to go through this . But happy that I got lots of answers to my questions. Thank You all .

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