CC Awareness month and AMMF Guest posts – Thank You Helen!

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    Thought I would post this here as I thought that many of you would want to read this. Thank you Helen for this and to everyone of course who posted on AMMF’s page last month.

    February’s FB Guest Posts

    Posted on March 6, 2012 by admin

    During February’s Cholangiocarcinoma Awareness Month, we had a Guest Post of the Day on AMMF’s Facebook page, and these posts provided some incredible stories of love, courage and support, of so many people lost to this ruthless disease, and of the appalling lack of knowledge there is of cholangiocarcinoma.

    We decided these posts shouldn’t just disappear into cyberspace, so they have been gathered together and are now available as a downloadable pdf – and although photos haven’t been included, all the original links have been and are live within the pdf.

    Thank you to everyone who took part in writing and sharing these posts – many tears were shed over them both in the writing and the reading – but if anything was needed to strengthen the resolve to find the answers, they did it!

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