CC is just sitting there, now what? how slow is slow?

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    thank you all. we hope for slow being so slow she’ll be with us forever. And, Lainy you are right on when you say enjoy and make memories. We are so fortunate that we are soon going to beat the doctors odds of the very first visit without any more symptoms than originally had at the doctors appointment. I hadn’t read to much on dormant or really slow growing, but that would be just awesome. Minnie, we are at a disadvantage somewhat with my MIL not wanting to know if it’s growing, or any info from the doctor, but she’s doing just as good as she was two weeks before diagnosis, that was 5 1/2 months ago. THANK YOU ALL!


    I would like to know the answers to your questions too. One doctor said it was slow growing and another one said it was fast. for my husband it’s been 7 months since diagnosis and at first it was growing and now they have trouble seeing it on scans. I don’t know what to make of it either.


    Dear Isellure I wish we were brilliant Psychics and then we would be able to give everyone answers to the great questions they ask. That is the problem, all we know for sure about CC is that we don’t know much. We just have to keep making memories and enjoying our time together, CC cannot stop us from doing that. At least for a while.


    We were told my father’s was slow growing as well. It is so frustrating not being able to point out a single answer. My father had a tumor that went undiagnosed as cancer for almost 3 years. It was believed to be a hemangioma of the liver. Since it is so dangerous to biopsy a hemangioma in the liver, due to bleeding concerns, they kept a close eye on it through scans. There was little to NO change in it for nearly 3 years. Only later, while in the hospital for another ailment, it seemed some pain was coming from the liver. That was when a biopsy was performed and diagnosed as cc. That was 18 months ago. Only now has it begun to spread.

    In some cases, it seems to move rapidly, and in others it remains dormant. That is why this seems to be such a difficult cancer to treat. There are no difinitive characteristics. Each individual seems to handle it differently. (In terms of growth).


    I don’t know how slow is slow, but i have had cc for 3 1/2 years. I have had lots of different chemo treatments plus radiation. I am also exhausted at the end of the day and no longer have the energy to work. As the cancer advances it seems to steal more and more of my energy.


    Mother in law diagnosed in August, she opt’d for NO treatment at all. So far two plastic stents. Shows minor tiredness at the end of the day, otherwise no symptoms. Doctors in Aug said 6-12 months….in late September 3-6 months.Does this cancer strike all of a sudden? or will we have symptom after symptom and see her health failing? We just don’t know what to expect. How in the world can CC be so different with everyone? (thank goodness it is, but we are all holding our breath everyday–CC doesn’t look like we can take a breath of it will knock is all down). Anyone have any ideas? So CC is slow, but once it’s detected…how slow is slow? Thanks to all of you. I read about everyone’s awful adventure with this cancer and it’s so sad to all of the families involved.

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