CC linked to medications?

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    Jennifer, sorry to hear of the loss of your Dad.

    I don’t think there is any recognized linkage between any meds and cc. There are geographic, however. Thailand has the highest incidence of cc in the world, although I’m not precisely sure why, although I recall some linkage with liver flukes, which are common there.

    I take a number of cardiac meds, but no one has suggested discontinuing any, although BC I only have 50% of liver remaining, doses are now very small.


    Good afternoon, I’m Jennifer in Alabama. My father was diagnosed with metastatic adenocarcinoma on March 18. He received his first dose of chemo on April 5, was admitted to the hospital 3 days later in renal failure and his breathing began deteriorating. He passed away on April 17. The biopsies were inconclusive on the primary location of his cancer so we requested an autopsy. We’ve just received the final autopsy report & it has been determined that his cancer was cholangiocarcinoma based on the largest tumor being located in the bile ducts. His cancer had spread to the liver, pancreas, both lungs, esophagus, heart & all lymph nodes. We suspect that his cancer was caused by one of the drugs he was taking and are curious to find out if there are others that could have been taking the same medication. I look forward to sharing with the CC community. Thanks!

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