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There is a large malignant mass in the liver that mainly affects segment 8 but extends to segment 5, 6 and 4. The maximum size of the mass which is measured in the transverse plane, is about 13 x 5.3 cm.
The mass caused contour retraction on the liver surface. These findings suggests cholangiocellular carcinoma.
There are a large number of discrete masses in both lobes, more in the right lobe.
The largest of these masses are about 2.5 cm in diameter.
These lesions have been evaluated as intrahepatic metastases of the above described large mass.
The left lobe has hypodense lesion which is 8 mm in diameter, is in cystic naturality and in benign feature.
Gallbladder is normal.
The pancreas is normal sized, its contours are smooth and it is homogeneous.
No obvious thickening of the stomach’s wall was detected.
There are no adrenal (surrenal) masses.
The kidneys are normal sized, their contours are smooth and it is functional.
Two angiomyolipomas were found in the left kidney. One of angiomyolipoma is at the upper pod (Superior renal capsule) with a diameter of 9 mm and the other angiomyolipoma is at the lower pod (Inferior renal capsule) with a diameter of 5 mm.
There is ascites in the abdomen.
On the right side, there are milimetric thickening in the peritoneum.
The (urinary) Bladder Wall thickness is normal.
The uterus and ovaries are normal.
There is no mediastinal hilar or lymphadenopathy.
A series of nodules were observed in maximal fissure and minor fissure of the right lung and in the lateral basal segment of the lower lobe of left lung. The maximal size of the series of nodules is 8×4 mm. Metastasis is not prevented (Obstructed). However, it is more likely that the nodules are benign.
The heart size is normal and the width of mediastinal veins are normal.
Trachea and proximal airways are regular.
Pleural effusion or thickening was not detected.
Note: During the examination, 100 cc nonionic opaque material was used intravenously and 50 cc nonionic opaque material was used oral way.
RESULT : The masses described in the liver (primarily considered as Cholangiocellular cancer), possible peritoneal metastases, possible lymph node metastases.