Cetuximab Shows “Encouraging” Results in Biliary Tract Cancer

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working Cetuximab Shows “Encouraging” Results in Biliary Tract Cancer

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  • #44102

    I am just heartened that someone is doing a study into this cancer! Thank you for sharing the information.


    I found the same study last week and thought….”yeah, I’ll take two of those, thanks.” I’ve printed it out and am bringing it to the onc after Thanksgiving, when I start my new cocktail. That’s some stunningly great news; I think “encouraging” would be an understatement. Brief resesarch showed no super huge side effects, so I say, load me up.


    WOW! OMG! EUREKA! This is very exciting news. Maybe we are not so far away after all. THANK YOU!


    ***This is new info…my parents new oncologist is looking into this for dad…..doc is very excited about it–as are we.

    Cetuximab Shows “Encouraging” Results in Biliary Tract Cancer
    Roxanne Nelson

    November 11, 2010

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