Charing my husband story and hopit for help. We live in Norway

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Charing my husband story and hopit for help. We live in Norway

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    Welcome Mette.
    I’m so sorry for your difficulties. You have been doing everything just as you should and fighting for your husband. How is he feeling these days? Do you have an idea of if he wants to traveling for another opinion / options?
    My dad just had his first acites fluid drained, we are waiting to find out if it is from the peritoneum or some other source.
    You are not alone in your fear and sadness, but we will get through it.


    Dear Mette,

    I’d like to add my welcome to the group. I am sorry your family has been faced wiith CC.

    Best wishes are with you and your husband.



    Dear Mette,

    So glad you have joined us but sorry you had a need to. Unfortunately for most that is how it starts. Seem perfectly healthy and then it starts. I agree that you need to go else where for other opinions and hope some of our members can give you some suggests.

    Wishing you and your husband the best on this journey that none of us wanted to take.

    Let us know how things are going. This is a wonderful, caring group who will do all they can to help and support you.



    Dear Mette, I am so very sorry to read about your wonderful husband and the terrible journey he is having. We have had a couple of members at Oslo but another good place, if hubby can travel, would be the UK. I am wondering if the other 2 drains were for the bile ducts as that would make sense. It is early here but stay with us and lets see what some other members might advise. You never know how strong you are until “strong” is the only choice you have!


    I am writing on behalf of my husband, who is 58 years old. He was diagnosed with Cholangiocarcinoma mid March this year, at University of Oslo, Ullevål Sykehus. He was told that operation or transplanting was not an option, and that life prolonging chemotherapy was the only treatment they could give. Until one month before the diagnose he was a very healthy, strong, fit man.

    To open up the bile ducts they started with inserting 2 biliary drains. This was done in local anesthesia, and he ended up with Pancreatitis. Due to the Pancreatitis they had to postpone the chemotherapy for weeks.

    Beginning of Mya he got the first three chemo treatments ( think it is Cisplastin he is getting), but approximately 14 days after the last chemo, he got an abscess in his liver and septicemia. They inserted an drain to the abscess, plus two more (but I do not know to what), and he was hospitalized for 9 weeks.

    After summer they told us that the cancer had spread to his peritoneum. It produces quite a lot of ascites, which needs to be drained out regularly.

    It was not until 4ht of August he was given the next chemo, and the two consecutive weeks. Approximately 14 days after the last chemo, he got fever, and they had to postpone the next chemo. The following week he got a fever again, and he had developed and abscess in his liver and septicemia, again.

    Since beginning of June he have had an one drain from the “first” abscess, which have been taken care of/flushed by home carer`s 2-3 time a day in those few periods that ha have actually been at home.

    Yesterday his brother and I had a meeting with his doctor, who told us that they do not think he will survive Christmas.

    I am heart broken, and feel sick, but have not given up hope.
    Norway is a small country, and belive doctors in bigger countris have more experience.

    Anyone who have suggstions what to do or where to go?


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