Chemo after colectomy/Dehydration

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    Hello Rick and welcome. The only posting I could find (on our site) regarding a colectomy there are however, many threads on dehydration and anything else pertaining to side effects of chemotherapy. Also, by perusing our web site you will find many links to other sites including the NIH and NCI. It might also be beneficial for you to log on to one of the PSC web sites where you may very well find someone with a similar diagnoses. I am wishing for your protocol to lead to a transplant real soon and am looking forward to many more of your postings.


    Hello all. I’m new here and expect to begin chemo in a few weeks as a part of the Mayo Protocol for radiation/chemo/transplant – as long as I remain a candidate for it. For those of you here who have PSC (Primary sclerosing cholangitis), you may know more where I am coming from.

    Before I developed PSC, I had ulcerative colitis and developed colonic dysplasia from that so I had a colectomy at age 27 (5 years ago) with a J-pouch (this is essentially a large resection taking out the colon and then reattaching to the rectal stump). I have had a few issues with dehydration after a bad flu bug after this procedure, as the colon is the organ that absorbs the majority of water. I’m wondering if anyone here can share some experiences with chemo and dehydration? It would be especially helpful if any of you have taken chemo and have a colectomy – were there any special considerations you had to take or any anti-naseau meds that helped you keep things down and stay hydrated?

    Thank you for any help! It is greatly appreciated.


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