chemo and CA 19-9, etc.

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    mydad….can’t answer this question either. I am wondering though, whether you might want to check in with the John Hopkins pancreatic support group? Although, not moderated, the site has been around for quite some time now.



    Sorry, I don’t know about the answer. The only thing I know is the CA 19-9 will be much much higher in the pancreatic cancer population.
    Your Dad is very lucky to have such quick responses to the chemotherapy ;but as a patient, like myself,even if the CA19-9 is within the normal range,I will not let my guard down.They can come back quickly and the only way to prepare for that is to eat well,exercise ,having yourself in a healthy condition to fight again.
    God bless.


    Dad had a lot of tumor when he was diagnosed. chemo totally cleared his pancreas (per CT), shrunk everything in the liver, and shrunk or cleared everything in the lung. to say that everyone has been flabbergasted would be an understatement.

    so why is the d**n CA 19-9 going UP? he’s been scanned from top to bottom, there isn’t anything new anywhere that they’re aware of. he goes back to MDA in 2 weeks and scanxiety has set in, his local oncologist is talking that a change in chemo might be considered because his protocol is for pancreatic adenoCA which he no longer has. i get that it’s like using a breast protocol to treat leukemia, but still…if something worked so well it’s hard to conceive of changing it.

    unless, of course, the scans missed something huge.
    gah. i’ll stop talking. i haven’t had enough coffee to be this freaked this morning.

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