Chemo canceled – for today

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    Blood chemistry can get really hammered during and especially at the start of chemo. I had begun a 3 weeks on / one week off program, with the week off mostly in the hospital getting the blood chemistry right again. The onc decided to try a lower Gemzar dose and 2 weeks on / one off regimin, which we stuck with generally w/o problems.


    Suzanne…I agree with CM. Low platelets are not an uncommon side effect of chemotherapy. Generally they will rebound within one or two weeks.
    All my best wishes,


    Very normal Suzanne- try not to worry but I know that is hard. the count can pick up just as quick- just watch out for any bleeding or unexplained bruising- if either occurs conatct doctor.


    So my dad was set for his 3rd treatment of Chemo today and they did the usual blood work before they got started – it turns out that his platelets had droped to 76. The doctor came over to talk with him and tell him that this is normal so we are now taking 2 weeks off and will start round 2 on Aug. 19th.

    Is this normal? I trust his doctor, I’ve just never gone through chemo with anyone and wanted to get any other opinions from this wealth of wonderful information that all of you have. The vast majority of you have so much more experience with this then my family an I wasn’t @ his appointment so, I really don’t want bother the Doc. if I can get an answer from those that have possilbly dealt with this as well.

    Thanks for you help!


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