chemo changes

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    Dear Kathy, Chemo breaks are not necessarily bad things and changing chemo cocktails can also be good. I am wishing your Dad much good luck on his new “cocktail”. Stay strong and as you know attitude helps so very much.


    Kathy… is always discouraging when maximum benefit has been reached, but your Dad may very well regain his momentum with the upcoming change-over to Oxaliplatin- capecitabine (Xeloda.)
    The search function (top, middle) will lead you to previous postings re: this particular combination and of course I hope for others to share their info with you also.
    Please let your Dad know that we are sending a tidal wave of good wishes his way. Keep on fighting.


    My dad has been getting treatments of cisplatin and gemcitabine since last March.He had really positive response to it and the tumors were shrinking.He started to get some side effects and the oncologist had him take a break over the holidays (since october).Over that break his cancer increased in size again,but only slightly.Dad is so discouraged. :( He has always been so positive.He will be starting on oxaliplatin and capecitabine for his next treatment.Anyone have any experience with these and what were the results in terms of success? Just reaching for anything right now and trying to keep him positive and informed.He feels great other than when he is on chemo.Thank you.Kathy

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