Chemo Drugs

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  • #25085

    Hello hima….thanks for joining the board and so graciously offering your advise. It is so very much appreciated. How is your husband feeling?
    Please, stay in touch,


    Hello vkapur….IPT was used by Joe Coburn and Marianne is a real expert on this. You might want to use the Search Function and type in IPT. Others may also have some information for you however, this is a good place to start.
    Good luck,


    Side effects are mostly the following for gemzar:
    1) lower platelet counts, thereby a high risk for infection
    2) nausea

    This is what my husband experienced.


    My mom-in-law was diagnozed with CC about 6 months back. After a failed liver resection surgery atetmpt, she went through 6 weeks of chemo that included a combination of Xeloda and Gemzar.

    In our search to look at a combination of chemo + some alternate treatments, we came across a technique called IPT – Insulin Potentiation Technique. It’s a way to give a very low dosage of chemo drugs, targeting the cancer cells but not harming the normal cells and immune system. Without getting into details of the IPT – there is a lot of info on the web, The doctor we are seeing has recommended 3 alternate drugs instead of Gemzar and Xeloda. They have done a specialized blood test and her sensitivity to various chemo agents, and are suggesting that a combination of the following drugs will be most effective for her:

    1. Taxotere
    2. Floxuridine
    3. Mitomycin

    Recent case studies here show Gemzar, Xeloda and 5FU as the most prevalent drugs that folks are taking. Has anyone tried the above 3 drugs as well? Any major side effects or concerns that we should be aware of?

    Thanks for your posts. This site is a life saver.

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