Chemo is suppressing the growth

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working Chemo is suppressing the growth

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    Just to update, Mom had blood test yesterday, her BR still the same as 1.8 but her Alka Pho up to 458, her Hgb has increased to 12.1 coz she had some blood infused 4 days ago. Her Platelet is high at 460 and it had gone down compare with b4.
    Mom had developed mouth sore and some mouth ulcer just 2 days after her 2nd treatment with oxaliplatin, 5-fu-, and leucovorin. She did not had that problem on her first chemo but I’m guessing that was due to the chemo had killed a lot of fast-growth normal cell in her mouth. She is suffering more of back, shoulder pain than b4 chemo and not on any pain medications. Hope it’ll go away soon. At the moment we’re just taking turn to massage her back and shoulder whenever we can. She


    Thanks so much for ur sweetheart JeffG. Mom tested with only 7.4 hemoglobin and she was receiving some more blood yesterday and her chemo. Her BR now about 1.8 and I’m hopping it will go down more. BTW thanks to Gods, doctors and all prayers Mom is almost free of itchy now. We really had a hard time getting BR in control for the past mos since Nov 08. Everyday is still learning and keep hanging on and never stopped praying. Thanks that we’ve this room and the greatest peoples during this tough time.

    Take care,


    Quan Yinprayer, It sounds as you and your brother and sister are taking real good care of your Mom. I’m sure she is proud of you all and is happy for the support. The chemo medication she is currently on can cause pain in the liver and shoulder area. Keep watch on her blood counts and if go to low,you need to have Mom hold back from treatment until doctor says okay. Staying calm and praying to Buddha and drinking green tea and plenty of fluids is all all good. Just follow -up with scans as scheduled and. Wish your Mom ,you and family only the best outcome possible.

    Keep Praying to Buddha,
    Jeff G.


    Sorry I’ve not written for awhile. Actually I’ve been patience monitoring Mom’s condition.
    Thanks you so much for your info. Really sorry to hear about your Mom got effected by that, but I’ve a feeling her onco will have a solution to control that. My mom is now just treated with oxaliplatin, 5-fu-, and leucovorin and her next appt. is on Monday, Feb 9th. Back to the question I asked you last time about the time for jaundice to go down, on that weekend the Onco assit. called me back and asked to bring Mom in for a blood draw to see how the BR had increased. Just a day later I started notice that Mom BR seemed slowly went down by checking on her eyes. So I didn


    Yes, it took a while for my mom’s BR to come down, she went through 2 stents, and 2 bags before they gave her the ok to resect, which when they opened her didn’t continue with because of the cancer metastasizing. After the unsuccessful surgery, she had the metal stent inserted and this seems to be working well. This went on from July to September. I think if they were able to get the BR under control quicker, the surgery might have been a go? Can’t look back and second guess…we just need to move on and help her with the treatment she is now receiving. Her platelets are now low and she is having severe skin reactions to the Tarceva, so her dr is going to start her on treatments every 3 weeks instead of every 2 weeks. I don’t know if they are giving her anything to improve her platelet count or not…need to ask her this. I pray for your mom and family, I and everyone else on this site understand what you are going through, the fear of the unknown…but try to learn all you can to be an advocate for your mom. I will be thinking of you!


    Hi Carrieann,
    Thank you so much for your information.
    Glad to hear that you have a great plan for Mom and family. I never been to Hawaii and I wish I


    Hi QuanYinprayer, I understand your nervousness, and am sorry your mother has to go through this, it would also take many pages of writing to describe my feelings watching my mother go through what she has been enduring. But, she too had many stent replacements, before she received her permanent metal stent, with this in place, her billirubin went to 1, which from what I understood was normal. She had the drainage bags also throughout the months, but with the metal stent in place, and my mother’s insistance on removing it, she no longer needed the external drain. I know she was continually told the billiruben needed to be down before they would do chemo (ideally below 3), I don’t know if it depends on the doctor or what. She will be going in for a follow up discussion with her doctor this Friday, I am curious to see what he will recommend for continuing treatment. She has been doing this chemo treatment since October, and I know if it weren’t for us, she would stop. She is not a big fan of it, which I really don’t know that anyone is. She wants to discuss doing treatment every 3 weeks, instead of every 2. I don’t know what this will do to the tumor, but I am standing by her decision. I think that was my biggest hurdle, to let her make the decisions, it is not my right to do that and all we can do is be there for her! In the mean time, my sister and I are trying to plan a trip to Hawaii with my mother. It is someplace she has always wanted to visit, and I told her we would take her, so we all have something to look forward too!


    Hi Carrieann,
    Sorry for my interruption,
    My Mom will have her treatment with the same drugs you mentioned next week. I


    Great news CarrieAnn. We hadn’t heard from you for awhile so I was wondering how things were going. Best wishes to your Mom!! Mary


    Carryanne….such good news you shared with us. Wishing for a good year and for your Mom to continue to feel as well as she does now.


    Good news, Carrie Ann! We like to prove the experts wrong and demonstrate that chemo does work for some people.



    You and your family are definitely in my thoughts and prayers! Hang in there and don’t forget to take care of the caregiver! (that would be you! *grin*)

    Hugs to you and yours!


    Dear Carrianne, that is such wonderful news and our prayers are with you and your mom for the shrinkage to begin! It certainly is a big help that your mom is a fighter as we know attitude is everything! Our thoughts are with you.


    I haven’t written in quite some time, but I read and pray for everyone having to enter this site. My mother was diagnosed in July. Her tumor had doubled in size from first detecting it in July, until a follow up scan in September. During that time the doctors were trying to get her jaundice/bilirubin under control. She started chemo treatment in October, and her December CT scan showed no change in the size! This is quite a blessing and a wonderful Christmas present. She receives chemo – one week on, one week off. Gemcidin/Oxyplatin with a follow up of two days of fluids. The only side effects seem to be fatigue/neuropathy during the chemo week. She is a fighter, and I admire her greatly. Our prayer for her during the second round of chemo, is for the tumor to begin shrinking. All prayers are welcome.

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