Chemo & meds

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    Mark-I was wondering if you had any side effects from Reglan, I had major, rapid eye movement, protruding tongue…. I still chew my tongue and haven’t had Reglan in 2 years.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy


    Hi MaFoster:

    Hydrocodone is generic for Vicodin. I was on that after my second surgery when my pain was not as severe. For the first surgery, pain was as issue and I was given hydromorphone, generic for dilauded, and it was effective for me.

    During chemoradiation, I was on Zofran and Reglan. Zofran seemed most effective, although I was told I could alternate the two so I could take something a little more often.

    I was never on fentanyl or magistrol.

    I hope our various experiences help. Obviously everyone responds differently to these drugs, so if something isn’t working for your dad, hopefully his physicians can make a change.

    Best wishes to you and your father.



    MaFoster-Hi, I took all the those drugs except the patch. Megace is the generic form of magestrol or vice a versa, it is an appetite stimulant. If I remember correctly it has something to do with medical mariquana, but I was pretty out of it for a long time!! I really don’t remember it making a major difference. I never had any major side effects from any of them. My favorite (if you are suppose to have one) for pain was dilauted, it worked the best for my pain. My doctor also had me on 3 anti-nasuea drugs for nasuea so I always had sonething in my system.
    Lots of prayers for your dad-Cathy


    Hi MaFoster. I think the loss of appetite goes with the territory and chemo. I used to give Teddy Carnation Instant Breakfast, he loved the vanilla with a banana blended in, this shake takes the place of a full meal and has all the needed nutrients. Also can be used for each meal. I personally am not a believer in pushing food when a patient is not up to it. We recommend ‘grazing’ during the day instead of full meals. Comfort foods work well too. For pain Fentanyl never worked for Teddy he had Morphine in small doses and as needed later the doses increased. He did have Zofran and it worked quite well. Do you know what pain level Dad is at on a 1 – 10 scale? Never heard of Magestrol but again, I did not give him things to enhance his appetite. Very similiar experience on the wanting to eat but couldn’t. I would make him a scrambled egg and toast then he would apologize that I made it and he just couldn’t eat it. My bottom line was always pain control and I think when the pain is controlled the rest may follow. Be Strong!


    I am sorry,I did not have any experience on those drugs together. I do know its pharmacological use though.
    May be other members can help with their EXPERIENCES.
    God bless.


    Sorry, I forgot a few. For pain which hasn’t helped much is:
    Hydrocodone 7.5-3.25 APAP
    Patch – fentanyl 2-5mcg HR every 3 days

    For nausea: zofron8 mcg hcl



    Good afternoon. I’ll keep this short & sweet. I’m starting to do some research on all the meds my dad is receiving & was curious if anyone has had any experiences with any of them that you could share. My dad has only had one chemo thus far & it was gemcitabine & cisplatin. His medicine he takes twice a day to help him eat is magestrol.
    My dad still is unable to eat. Before this monster attacked him, food was his life & now he craves something and then can only take a bite or two at the most. Thank you for any information. This site is amazing.

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