Chemo not working as well?

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    As a patient, I’ve had to learn patience. As Marion said, slight shrinkage or stable is good news. And yes, it is a roller coaster. Make sure all the scans were done in the same facility and reviewed by the same team for consistency.



    Julie…most likely the medication has reached maximum benefit; a normal occurrence. As long as there is shrinkage or stable disease, the physician will continue the current treatment. Generally, and for further treatments, other chemo agents are available. Indeed, your Mom is having great results. Congratulations.


    Hi all, my mom just had another scan and news was good but not the same as in past. Her first few treatments showed A LOT of shrinkage in a short amount of time. The most recent one only showed minor shrinkage though, after several more treatments and I’m wondering if that means she has hit a plateau? Does that happen? Doc was still very happy with results though and everything else looked great, thank goodness. It’s just such a roller coaster.

    Thanks everyone!


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