chemo not working trial now?

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    That really takes the cake when the bad accompanies the good! But like Marion said the best part is that you have options and you also had some shrinkage. Keep the good attitude going, hang in and be strong! Look forward to hearing what the powers that be have in mind!


    lostsoul…. The good news is that you had some shrinkage and that other treatment options are available to you.

    The biopsy is mandatory for clinical trial eligibility. I wish it were different. I have brought this up at numerous cancer meetings focused on eligibility criteria for clinical trials. A tissue sample has to determine (without a doubt) the presence of the specific disease. My arguments in re: to the difficulty of obtaining such tissue were acknowledged, but changes to the ruling are highly unlikely to come about.

    Switching to a different protocol is not unusual with this disease and other cancers. At times it is required due to non-response to current treatment or when the patient has reached maximum benefit.

    Enjoy your little break and please keep us posted. Fingers are crossed for a uneventful biopsy procedure and for the next protocol to wipe out the remaining tumors.
    All my best wishes,


    so i got my results from my cat scan my tumors in my lungs decreased by less than a mm but 3 or the tumors in my liver have increased by under a cm so now they want to either switch my chemo or do another biopsy of my liver and check to see which clinical trial can be used once they target the blood of the abnomal cell. has anyone ever done this? I was so sure the chemo was working but i guess not i was supposed to have 3 more months of gemcitabine/cisplatin but now i have to switch and start all over again. Was looking forward to the break after the 3 more months i had. :( The one in my bile duct is still the same and the other tumors and lymphnodes are the same no changes. i guess thats okay news.

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