Chemo resistent test

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    Izabella… addition to chemo-sensitivity testing, has molecular testing been proposed? Tumor tissue would be analyzed for genetic aberrations and possibly matched with an available drug for the specific mutations.


    Izabella –
    I haven’t not really dealt with that but I do know that after awhile chemo may lose it’s effectiveness but that does not necessarily mean that it won’t work at all. It many still slow tumor growth. The goal with that type of therapy would be to buy some more time. And I always say time can be the answer… never know tomorrow may hold the answer.
    I would ask these questions to your doctor and see what he has to say? I would also ask if this was your loved one what would you do? Asking that question usually gets you a pretty truthful answer.



    How reliable is the test for chemo resistent?

    My dad had som test and responded bad to all chemo like gem/cis and other.

    Tried Folfiri as this one was the best of the worse results, looks like it didnt help. Tumor progress locally but no mets.

    What do you think of this test in vitro? Is it even worth to try gem/cis?
    I mean if the test showed resistance to the chemo is it worth a try?

    Any experiance from this kind of tests and then trying chemo?

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