I do not think either chemoembolization and radioembolization can be performed un less the Serum bilirubin is below 2.
Relative contraindications are Serum bilirubin>2;AST>100;ascites;cardiac or kidney problems;tumor burden>50% of the liver etc–from uptodate.com.
For Sorafenib, dose reduction is recommended for patients with bilirubin1.5-3 times the upper limit of the normal(roughly equal 2.5-5.6); Sorafenib cannot be tolerated with more severe hyperbilirubinemia. —clinical pharmacology.com
Please remember all the above are for palliative purposes only. Drug resistance is common. The above radiations treatments may cause temporally increase of liver enzymes for a period of time.
Your gut instinct may serve well to make this difficult decision.
God bless.