Chemoembolization / TACE – outcome and stats?

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    Richard…thanks for clarifying. You are a fantastic advocate for your wife. I believe, prior resection or not the correct terminology for the current condition is “metastasised” Cholangiocarcinoma.

    Not sure whether you have seen these links already, but thought to include it anyway:

    Good luck, dear Richard, please keep us posted.


    Many thanks for the information, Marion – that’s a great help.

    In fact we’re based in England, and have been travelling to Germany for treatment. TACE is only used in the UK for liver disease, not CC. We have already met some of Prof Vogl’s other British patients, who are being given TACE for liver, kidney and lung disease.

    The most recent paper we could find on TACE for treatment of patients with unresectable CC can be found here: (full text may be borrowed on request if anyone’s interested).

    We’re not sure of the correct terminology when searching PubMed etc. My wife originally had a Whipple after diagnosis June 2011; that was resectable CC. Now, with recurrence in the retroperitoneum (the new tumor has encased the superior mesanteric artery) this is considered inoperable; cyberknife would be high risk for neighbouring organ damage; nanoknife we’re not sure yet – it’s not commonly used in the UK. All reasons why we considered TACE as an alternative treatment: non-invasive (well, reasonably), low risk etc.

    Should the correct terminology for her condition now be unresectable CC or inoperable CC? Or whether it’s now CC? It’s not entirely clear from the PubMed results whether ‘unresectable’ only refers to the ‘original’ disease.


    Richard…..I hope for the enclosed links to reveal some helpful information for you.

    You may want to look up some of the older postings re: the TACE procedure by entering “TACE” in the search function. Let me know if you need help.

    Richard, we don’t have many German members – not sure why that is – because; I have met several German physicians at conferences and at special meetings and all are informed of our website. Hence given the circumstances it is unlikely for anyone to share prior experiences with Dr. Vogel.
    But I do know that this site is visited frequently by patients and physicians from Germany (we keep track of it) and I hope that those perusing our discussion board will be kind enough to go through the speedy approval process for membership in order to answer your questions.

    Please stay in touch, dear Richard.


    My wife (Whipple 2011 for CC, post-adjuvant chemo, chemoradiotherapy for recurrence, and now recurrence in retroperitoneum) has just started transarterial chemoembolization (TACE), plus systemic Xeloda, with Prof Thomas Vogl in Frankfurt.

    We’re short on outcome data, survival stats and academic papers besides a 2011 study (Int. J. Cancer: 131 733-740, lead author Prof Vogl) on TACE in the treatment of patients with unresectable CC; not exactly my wife’s case, but relevant.

    Researching PubMed and Google Scholar produces numerous studies on TACE for liver involvement, but only the above paper for extrahepatic CC.

    Could anyone direct us to published TACE research more relevant to my wife’s case? Or institutions specialising in TACE for CC?

    Contact with any of Prof Vogl’s other patients, past or present, would also be appreciated.

    Many thanks.

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