
Discussion Board Forums Introductions! chemotherapy

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  • #49393

    I would into clnical trials outside the USA, and even some in the USA. Keeping you my thoughts and prayers.


    Hi mcf,

    In addition to the link that Marion posted for you, this link may be of interest as well.

    My best wishes to you and Sheila,



    I believe that this is the thread Joolz is talking about:


    I don’t know where you live but I’m here in Northeast PA and have been going to Fox Chase Cancer Center. I’ve been going through elaborate testing to find out whether I qualify for treatment with Spheres. It’s a research study and I have a few more tests to have before they make a final decision.

    Gem/Cis did not work for me.

    I have two large tumors in the right lobe of my liver along with a number of small ones. There’s also a tumor in my lower spine and my lymph nodes have been compromised.

    A transplant is out because of all the other tumors and lymph nodes.

    My advice is to find a large teaching hospital that has a cancer department. There are quite a few out there. We have a a discussion section on hospitals.

    Good luck to you and your wife.


    mcf….good luck on the treatments. Definitely please, stay in touch.
    All my best wishes are heading your way


    Thank you all for the welcome and the advise. WE have been in touch with the radiologist and he has agreed to do a peer to peer with the insurance company regarding the microsphere treatment. Hopefully, we will be able to win the fight for a future treatment with the spheres. It seems like some of the blogs we have been reading have been repoerting some success with this treatment. We will certainly share the news as we continue to fight the fight. As for now we have our fingers crossed that the cis/gemzar chemo will again have some help in controlling CC. Should have a CT scan after the second round.


    Dear MCF and Sheila, welcome to our wonderful family but sorry you had to join us. My husband had to have PET Scans twice a year for years and every other time the Insurance Company would deny but the doctor would step in and explain CC (the insurance company was not to smart about CC). Sorry. I can’t help with the chemo, Teddy only had radiation then cyber knife. Best of luck and please keep us posted.


    Hello mcf and welcome to our site. I am so sorry to hear of the rapid recurrence of Sheila’s cancer. When response to a certain protocol has reached maximum benefit then yes, we have seen it quite often for another drug to be used. As Nancy has mentioned sometimes it takes the physician to contact the insurance company for approval for certain treatments. Had you made an appointment with a radiation oncologist?
    Please, stay in touch and please, keep us posted.
    All my best wishes,


    MCF – Welcome to our CC Family, even though we are sorry you had to join us. Your best bet for a lot of your questions is to search this website under the “Search Forum” button above. There are many threads regarding chemo, radiation, etc. Also, fight with your insurance company to get approval of procedures. They seem to always so “no” at first, but you can press it and sometimes win approval. My son had to fight to get them to pay for his chemo-embolization procedures but, in the end, they paid. I really have no respect for insurance companies and what they put people through! Sometimes, the doctors have to step in for you and fight with the insurance company as well. My son’s surgeon was willing to do that for him and he was very successful. Good luck with everything and keep us posted. As I said, there are many threads for you to read regarding your questions. Best wishes – Nancy


    Hello to everyone. Today is the first day I have posted. I have been reading this discussion board for almost two years as my wife and I have been dealing with bile duct cancer. It has been extremely helpful in so many ways. My wife was diagnosed over 18 months ago with a huge tumor in her liver (16cm) along with several other tumors. We started a cis/gemzar chemo and the tumor shrank substantially…far enough to have a resection done at Mayo. CC came back about three months later. We followed that up with more cis/gemzar for another 6 months until Sheila (my wife) needed to take a break from it all. We were stable at that point with numerous tumors showing no new growth, so she took 2 months off. Today the CT scan showed tumor growth doubling in size with numerous new tumors (20), so after consulting with oncologist we are back on cis/gemzar hoping to get some kind of stablization on the growth. My question to everyone is about any other successful chemos dealing with bile duct cancer CC. I am so afraid that Sheila will be resistent to this regiment. Any one have any success with other chemo treatments? Also, I wondered about radiation treatments dealing with this type of cancer (standard or spheres? Our oncologist doesn’t know much about any treatments other than this chemo. We have been reading about the microspheres and tried to get that type of treatment approved by the insurance company but got denied. Does anybody have any way to push that through the insurance companies?. Again, I want to thank everyone who posts here. It has been inspirational and iniformative. Thanks

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