Chemotherapy Treatment Sticker Shock!

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    I just sawa that you are from Houston, so is my mom. She’s seeing Dr. javle at Md Anderson


    I got my mom insured through PCIP so far so good, she didnot have any insurance before that. She’s not a US citizen yet but got her green card last year.


    As far as I know the insured must be a resident of the State and have been without medical coverage for 6 months prior. Will this apply to your Mom?


    I have been able to make some progress on finding medical insurance!

    For those who have been denied due to pre-existing medical conditions, there’s hope:

    The Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan makes health insurance available to people who have had a problem getting insurance due to a pre-existing condition.

    The Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan:
    Covers a broad range of health benefits, including primary and specialty care, hospital care, and prescription drugs.
    Does not charge you a higher premium just because of your medical condition.
    Does not base eligibility on income.


    cholangio….private medical care is extremely expensive in this country – virtually unaffordable for most and the major cause for bankruptcy filings in the U.S.
    Others will be able to share with you the cost of the individual treatments as it is printed on their medical bills, but I doubt that we will hear from anyone carrying the cost personally.
    Having said that: You had mentioned that your Mom had been treated with Gemzar + Xeloda – with negative response. In which country did she receive this medication?


    First of, thank you very much for reading this. If you could help answer some of the questions below, we would sincerely appreciate it.

    My Mom is an international patient with CC and has come to the United States to seek better medical care for her disease. She has no medical insurance coverage in the United States, as such she must self-pay any and all medical costs.

    Based on the doctor’s recommendations for treatment, we have been provided an self-pay estimate of the treatment cost for Folfox-6. Let’s just say that we were quite shocked at the cost! Now it could be just the area/hospital, so we are definitely looking into other possible options.


    1) For those of you who have had Folfox-6 treatment and self-payed, how much did it cost per cycle?

    2) For those who have insurance that covered Folfox-6 treatment, would you be able to share how much the hospital billed the insurance company, as well as how much the insurance company paid the hospital?

    3) For those with experience with non-US resident/citizen patients seeking medical treatment in the U.S. who have no medical insurance, do you have any advice on how we could possible get some financial assistance/insurance coverage for my Mom?

    4) My Mom actually has medical insurance coverage in her country of origin, just not here in the U.S. Her insurance provider already said that if she upgraded her insurance to have U.S. coverage, she would not be able to use the benefit until 1 year later due to her “pre-existing medical condition.” Do you by any chance know of any recent laws that would make her despite the pre-existing medical condition? I thought there was something – but I wasn’t sure what to research.

    Thank you again for reading.

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