Chest/upper right pain

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Chest/upper right pain

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    I agree! There is no need for pain. Go to the ER, they will take care of your pain.


    Lost soul, sorry but I am not satisfied with the answer you got. No need to be in that kind of pain. I agree with Marion, if it continues take a trip to ER>


    lostsoul… must remember that you have some control in this situation. If you the pain and burning sensation continues, then don’t hesitate from going to the ER. Please stay in touch.


    Thanks For your answers i called and they said just to take pain killers until my appointment on the 18th it could be from the xeloda next week is my week off from the cycle so she said it should go away I hope so


    If Jennifer Knox is still your doctor,you should call her office and tell their staff about your situation, and they will return your phone call for further instruction today. She does research on this cancer quite well and should provide the answer that other cannot because of her special interest on this cancer .
    Otherwise, just go to Prince Margaret hospital ER. And they has your record or they can call the doctor’s office staff for you on the 4 or 5th floor.
    In the meantime, just lie down in the bed and you’ll feel better. I took Xeloda too, I do at times have the burning sensation, stomach acid reflux and when under stress like hurry up to finish a project, the burning sensation will be worse. I took famotidine 40 mg ,chewing it up in the month and swallow it with water and it will go away. Or you can take Protonix, Prevacid once a day in the morning to less the chance of the side effect. Peptobismol should only be used fro immediately relief of the burning pain and sensation but make sure it is at least 2-3 hour before or after taking the Xeloda. Same apply to Mylanta or Maalox for the aluminum inside those medication may cause unwanted side effects when taking them with Xeloda.
    God bless.


    Dear Lost Soul, please go to ER or call your ONC immediately. I say immediately NOT because the tumor grew but because of the amount of pain you are in. I am not a Doctor but It could be from the chemo as even if you went off the chemo it would keep working for awhile. Do not try to earn a badge of courage by keeping pain to yourself, it will not help. Please call now! No one needs to suffer like that. Please let us know what you do and what the doctor says. Sometimes also we feel that when in pain, it means the chemo is working, BUT got to stop the pain. After writing this I would go to ER. They will call your Doctor.


    hi last month my scan results showed that my tumors have grown and new ones have come up in both myliver and lungs so I was put on xeloda. I’ve been on it for almost two weeks now and I’ve been okay sometimes I would have a sore throat/ feeling of a lump in my throat and mild pain in my stomach but it went away. sunday iit came back on and off with a burning sensation in my chest and throat the whole day I’ve never had thatbefore. It would come sometimes throughout the day but the burning sensation in my chest would stays or a while. I tried to drink tea and it burned my whole throat and was painfully to swallow down. When I woke up Monday I was fine but now today I have pain in my upper right quadrant a sharp pAin that gets stronger at times but seems to be always there. I don’t like to complainer tell anyone unless it doesn’t go away but after my rumors growing and sundays pain I’m scared that they are growing more. I don’t have another scan or doctors appointment till October should I just serif it goes away or go in to the hospital. I’m just scared that if I don’t say something it’s gonna grow a lot more in the time I’ve watched people with cancer and have seen how fast it can grow in a month or a few months time.

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