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    Have the new bracelets come in yet?


    Glad that you have received them. Presently, I don’t have any more to send which is just fine as the new ones should be arriving soon. I am sure for Rick or Stacie to be announcing it. My bracelet although, in dire need of replacement is very much part of me and I am also looking forward to replacing it.
    Hugs to all,


    marion…i got the braclets today thank you soooo much!!


    Hi Angela.

    Rick can probably respond best to this as he has been working with the company to get the bracelets. They should be here anytime. As soon as we get the shipment we’ll let you know.



    singlemomma….welcome to the site. I am so sorry to hear about your grandma. I will gladly mail to you a few bracelets (I am down to my last few) so please, e-mail me by using the E-mail in the left box.
    My best wishes to your grandma,


    hi marions…im new to this site also…i came across it thru google :) i was wondering about a bracelet or ribbon or anything that has the colors for bile duct cancer (or that big C word that i cant spell or pronounce lol)…my grandma just got told today that she has 1-2 months to live and i wanna show support in any way that i can


    Patsy….it is amazing the strenghts we demonstarate when needed. You are such an example for that. Hang in there. And, don’t put any more on yourself with worrying about introducing yourself. You already have done so.


    Thank you so much Marion for the kind words – I still have not “introduced myself” I have tried many times but the tears fill my eyes so that I can’t see the screen. I do read and research as much as I can, when there is time. I feel like I am caught up in a tornado that has me twirling in every direction. Just when I think the winds have calmed, another gust comes. My dad fell yesterday due to his BP being so low – it is so sad to see him go down hill so quickly – just within 2 months this monster has took his quality of life completely. I will soon post an intro – I know that by talking about it I am helping others and myself.

    I have e-mailed you my address – thank you and God Bless everyone who visits this site. It is a comfort to know there are others who are also dealing with this vicious, deadly cancer.


    wow.. I’ll bet we’d all like to purchase the bracelets for ourselves and our families and friends. Maybe we can brainstorm an idea or two about selling them ourselves to raise money for the organization. (just like the kids sell candy at school to raise $) Please let us know when they become available. thanks, Deb =D


    Patsy…….So sorry for you having to join this site but, I am extending a warm welcome to you. Of course, Patsy, I will send a few bracelets to you ASAP. Please, e-mail me by clicking on my name on left side, in box, and give me your address.
    As you may already know this cancer loves to go to the lung. You might want to read up on previous postings discussing this by using the search function. Here you may find some helpful hints, tips, and suggestions beneficial to your Dad. Don’t give up hope. This cancer has surprised many of us by being unpredictable in it’s progression. Wishing the absolute best for your Dad.


    I went to the store on this site and did not see the bracelets. My dad was dianosed 8/07 and just today we have had Hospice come in. The klatskin tumors have shown there ugly selves in both his lungs and he is fading fast. I would love to have a symbol to share my daddy’s story of his courageous fight for life. Please let me know how I can get a bracelet.
    Thanks, Patsy


    Carla..I am so sorry to hear about your Mom and gladly I will send a few bracelets to you. We had handed them out at the medical conferences attended throughout the year and I am down to just a few. Rick is in the process of re-designing a new batch and as soon as they have arrived Stacie, most likely will announce it.


    Where can you find the new bracelets. I definitely want some. I lost my mom almost six years ago after a hard fought 6 month battle. I’d love to honor her memory by wearing one.

    Thanks, Carla


    I, also, would love to have a couple bracelets. Old or new, it doesn’t matter. I currently wear the Livestrong bracelet, but it would be so much more meaningful to have the one that hits closer to home.

    I will email you thru the website. Please let me know if I can pay for shipping, or for the bracelets.



    David…I have some of the older bracelets left. If you send me an e-mail with your address I will mail some to you, also.

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