
Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Cholangiocarcinoma

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  • #2182

    Hello, my name is Jane.
    I was diagnosed 11/4/08 and had surgery 12/18 at Northwestern Hospital in Chicago. I had the right and part of the left lobe of my liver removed along with the gallbladder and 1 lymph node. In Feb. my blood work was good CA-99 was 50. In March, however, it jumped to 142 so I had a CT which indicated 2 tumors had recurred (21mm and 16mm). I was hoping for Therasphere or radio or chemo embolization but my Drs. want chemo first. I am terrified of chemo because of what it does to the body and appearance. Also, I was told chemo had little affect on this type of cancer.
    I went to Mayo and didn’t get any hope from them either. I know sometimes it’s the Dr. you talk to that makes a difference as they have differing opinions.
    Can anyone give me some hope or treatment options that worked for them?
    Thank you for your help.

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