
Discussion Board Forums Introductions! cholangiocarcinoma

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  • #38039

    Hello Karen and welcome to our site. Gleevec has not been used by anyone on this site for the treatment of Cholangiocarcinoma. There are a few discussion though. You may “google” (right hand side, top of page) and some threads will appear. Clinical trials for this disease are ongoing and generally, they are listed under Within the next few days our site will also list current clinical trials on a regular basis. You might then want to check back.
    If your father in law is interested in entering a clinical trial then he would definitely be taking a type of chemotherapy.
    You might also want to peruse our Alternative Treatment section.
    I am hoping for others to share more information with you. Your father in law is fortunate to have you searching for information. I wish you the best.


    My name is Karen. I was just curious to know whether or not Gleevec has been used for patients who have been diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma. My father in law is currently battling this cancer and refuses chemotherapy and radiation due to the side effects he’s read about. Other than Gleevec as a possible treatment, are there any other non FDA approved cancer medications going through clinical trials that would be worth trying? Thanks for your time. Hope to hear back from you soon.


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