Cholangiocarcinoma Awareness Month

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    Hello 6’2″. If I am correct one of the main supplies, if you will, of liver flukes, which is a parasite in a certain fish in Asia is the main cause for a lot of the CC in those areas. When this fish is prepared it is put outside to ‘cook/ferment’ in the sun. It is eaten after that and the parasite has begun to grow. You can google liver flukes. You seem to be doing very well, what treatment did you have? While it is true it could return we try to always remain realistically optimistic. Keep up the good work!


    While on this website, I saw the video regarding the foundation.

    WOW!…It was said in the video that Thailand has a very big amount of people diagnosised with Cholangiocarcinoma. 😡
    March of 2005 I traveled to Thailand, stayed for 10 days. And in August of 2006, I was diagnosied with colorectal cancer, stage 2.

    But what scares me, in August 2009, at stage 1, I was diagnosied with this cholangiocarcinoma….Hmmm…Is that the reason I got CANCER?

    Mostl likey it is no, but makes me think anyway. :/
    😎 Here it is February 2012, I’m 57 years young, I did reseach online and read everything about cholangiocarcinoma…I still think at some time it may come back.
    Untill then I will live my life with a good attitude …
    I’m still standing and wish to help where I can…looking for any wlaks/runs…relay for life in regards to this disease.
    God Bless all and keep your head to the Sky… :D


    Thanks Marion!


    Nice job, Gavin.


    Thank you so much!



    Nice job, Rick!


    Tried it and liked it….


    Oooh, you tease Rick! :)


    AND! Have you seen our new “Awareness Month Information” page?
    (click the orange banner at the very top of the page to see it, or go to the Calendar of Events in the menu, under Patient Support.)

    On that new page is a secret button that takes you to a very magical, important place, that some of you may have not seen before.

    A mystery! :)


    Hi Everyone,

    It’s awareness month. We’ll be focusing on creating awareness through our vision of CURE – Collaboration, Understand, Research and Education. This week find out how through collaboration, we can all bring awareness to bile duct cancer.

    In our efforts to collaborate with other nonprofits and researchers with the same goals, The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation partnered with the Conquer Cancer Foundation of ASCO in 2011 through funding both the Young Investigator Award in Cholangiocarcinoma Research and the Long Term International Fellowship (LIFe) Award.

    The Young Investigator Award was a one-year $50,000 grant given to a promising investigator conducting research in cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer). Awarded by the Conquer Cancer Foundation of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (formerly known as The ASCO Cancer Foundation), the grant is intended to raise awareness and trigger progress against this rare disease, while providing critical funding for physician-scientists at the beginning of their careers. Providing early-career grants helps encourage investigators to focus their careers on cholangiocarcinoma. The Conquer Cancer Foundation Grants Selection Committee determined the recipient by evaluating the scientific merit and potential career-development impact of the Young Investigator Award applications using a two-part peer-review process. Learn more about the Grant Recipient later this month.

    Dr. Suebpong Tanasanvimon was the recipient of the Long Term International Fellowship (LIFe) Award. Dr. Tanasanvimon is a researcher from Thailand, a country that has the highest rate of cholangiocarcinoma in the world. Dr. Tanasanvimon practices medicine at Chulalongkorn University. As part of the LIFe Award, Dr. Tanasanvimon has been performing research at MD Anderson Cancer Center under the mentorship of Dr. Milind Javle, MD. The $60,000 grant is used to solely fund research in cholangiocarcinoma. The funds are provided by The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation in cooperation with the Conquer Cancer Foundation.

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