Cholangiocarcinoma Cancer

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  • #39449

    Hi Andie,

    Thank you for your quick reply, yes been hell of a year, must be the same for you. Hope all goes well with your dad and wish you all the luck in the world.
    Also thank you for the information i will have a search on the internet and get the relavant information i require for the contacts you have sent, i have contacted the Royal Mardsen today and was told to send over all my partners information, so will speak to my partner about this would be good to have a second opinion. Have you had any second opinions regarding your dad.
    Once again thank you for the reply


    Andie wrote:
    Dear Kristy,

    What a rollercoaster of a year you have had. I’m sorry you have had to find this website but the people on here are so helpful and kind and they will do the best to help you.

    My Dad was diagnosed in April when he became jaundiced, no other symptoms, and luckily he still feels well. He was due to start chemo Gem/Cis but his bilirubin has gone up again and he needs to have his metal stent unblocked. My Dad is being seen by Dr Bramhall at the QE Birmingham but they have told my Dad his tumour is inoperable so we are hoping that the Chemo will work and help to prolonghis life.

    Looking at this site these are a few contact details for the UK

    Dr Valle, Christies, Manchester
    Dr Peter Lodge, St James, Leeds
    Prof David Cunningham, Royal Marsden London

    Dr Valle was involved in the ABC02 trial which is the trial that made Gem/Cis standard chemo treatment for CC in the UK. Dr Valle can be contacted on 0161 446 8106.

    I hope the above helps.

    Best wishes and Good Luck


    I was originally diagnosed in Scotland and we have lots of UK members here who
    I am sure will pop along and offer some more advice, though Andie did give the cc specialists that I can think of.

    Hang in there.



    Dear Kristy,

    What a rollercoaster of a year you have had. I’m sorry you have had to find this website but the people on here are so helpful and kind and they will do the best to help you.

    My Dad was diagnosed in April when he became jaundiced, no other symptoms, and luckily he still feels well. He was due to start chemo Gem/Cis but his bilirubin has gone up again and he needs to have his metal stent unblocked. My Dad is being seen by Dr Bramhall at the QE Birmingham but they have told my Dad his tumour is inoperable so we are hoping that the Chemo will work and help to prolonghis life.

    Looking at this site these are a few contact details for the UK

    Dr Valle, Christies, Manchester
    Dr Peter Lodge, St James, Leeds
    Prof David Cunningham, Royal Marsden London

    Dr Valle was involved in the ABC02 trial which is the trial that made Gem/Cis standard chemo treatment for CC in the UK. Dr Valle can be contacted on 0161 446 8106.

    I hope the above helps.

    Best wishes and Good Luck



    My partner has been diagnosed with Cholangiocarcinoma and he has been having problems since June 2009 where his blood tests showed his White Blood Cell Count was high, they kept an eye on is blood tests which he was having regular. He started having symptoms of Tiredness, bloating after eating etc. In Oct 2009 is getting worse and he was prescribed medication to help with his bloatedness. In Jan 2010 he was so unwell they started doing different scan i.e. ultra sounds, X-rays but nothing was showing but he was getting a lot worse in himself. The last week of Jan 2010 they arranged for a CT Scan which he had while awaiting results on the Saturday at the end of Jan he was so unwell I took him to medical admissions as he was so weak, diarrhoea and the whites of his eyes had turned bright yellow, they did many test and told him he had a urine infection and food poisoning and sent him home with tablets I was not happy. On the Monday he went to the GP as he was not getting any better they referred him straight to our local hospital. After many test again the informed him he has bowel cancer and gall stones in his gallbladder and that were making him jaundice. They arranged for a stent to be put in a few days later into the bile duct which was unsuccessful which they redone a week later. Was then told it was Liver Cancer after a biopsy and was given steroids for 10 days to get rid of the jaundice, they informed him if the tablets didn

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