cholangiocarcinoma foundation will have presence at this seminar

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    I am hoping to be lucky with the weather. But, as I found out in Chicago, it is all relative. I heard nothing but great comments about the “warm” period I was so lucky to experience. Well, I was freezing. I have a big coat, warm boots, a cap, and don’t expect to venture out much. The Hotel will be warm and the schedule is tight. Yes, I am looking forward to this symposium and am hoping to report back with some inspiring and awesome news for all.


    It seems very interesting. Let us know how it goes. Hope you have a nice warm coat for the trip.



    Hi Marion,

    Good luck! Hope you have a great trip and thanks as always for all your hard work!



    I wish I did have some time for other things but, rarely do I leave a conference for anything but to sleep or work. I don’t anticipate anything different on this trip as I leave on the 1st of Dec. and I will go straight to the meeting after my arrival. The next morning starts at 7am which always presents itself to be a problem because, my body does not like to change along with the time zone. The conference ends on the evening of the 3rd and I am heading back for California on the 4th.
    I would love to have a chance and meet up with some of our New York members but I am not sure as to whether the limited time allows for that. Should I have the opportunity, is there anyone who would love to say a quick “hello?” Please, let me know.


    Here she goes, Super Woman again, jumping in to a phone booth and changing in to her all powerful running suit to attend another conference, for which we do thank you. Sounds like an interesting meeting. The beautiful part of this one is that it may be cold and snowy, but in December its all beautiful in NYC!!! I hope you have some time to take it all in.


    I did not fly to Chicago because I am heading to New York (Dec. 1 to 4) for this special gathering. Hopefully, my flight takes off on time and J.F.K. has clear weather. I will arrive at 4:00pm and have to sign up immediately in order to be ready for the reception from 6 to 8 pm.
    Classes start at 7 am. Somehow I will need to catch some sleep and adjust to the three hour time change.
    I have high hopes and big dreams for this to be a very successful trip. You may read up on it by using the below link:

    Wish us luck.

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