Clean scan today- almost 2 1/2 years

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working Clean scan today- almost 2 1/2 years

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    Bob…so happy to hear from you.



    Great to hear from you and love you words of encouragement!


    I so appreciate your message. It is one I need to hear over and over because truthfully, I AM blessed. I have begun taking a young Honduran woman, just turned 30, to NIH to get her treatment for aplastic anemia. She has come all this way on pure faith that she will overcome this. We had a wonderful conversation yesterday, as much as my faulty Spanish and her almost non-existent English, would allow. She is facing a bone marrow transplant and would like nothing more than to have her mother here “to go through this experience with (me)”as she put it.(U.S. denied her mother a visa :( I am reminded over and over that there are others who face greater challenges with such strength and courage, and I have much to be grateful for. Thank you for writing.


    BOB, BOB, BOB where are you and how are you doing? I have gotten a few mails from members wanting to know how you are doing! So good to see your smiling face again. Love to Donna and please let us know how things are going!


    I’m sure you appreciate what a significant milestone 28 months is – congratulations indeed! As far as the emotional toll, my primary ‘weapon’ against the emotional rollercoaster has been freely expressing gratitude. I have so much for which to be grateful, as most of us do, that it trumps the momentary valleys of fear or discouragement. I often recite to myself a scripture verse: “This is the day the Lord has made; I wil rejoice and be glad in it”. Another is: “The joy of the Lord is my strength”. For me, this isn’t some form of denial to cope. This is stating truth in the face of difficulty. Others may offer other ways…

    God Bless,



    Thank you Jackson (Is that your name? My e-mail address is chezWright and everyone calls me chez when they don’t really know me….(my name is Kathy)…I am hoping to keep it positive!!! My goal :)


    Congratulations. So happy for your success and look forward to reading your positive posts long into the future.


    Kathy….it is a great topic. Why don’t you start another thread under the General Discussion heading? Let me know if you need help in doing so.


    Marion,,,Do you think this could be a topic in itself? Maybe it is and I have missed it. I came across a posting, or several really, yesterday that spoke of the fear and I know a good friend of mine, now 3 years post whipple for pancreatic cancer..and I discuss this fear a lot..she is very active, still working and “into” many things. Mine came right after retirement when I still didn’t have my retirement plan going and I’ve had a hard time implementing anything “Well…..IF my next scan is clear..I can do..such and such.” Some spoke of counseling with counselors trained specifically in this issue….Others seem full of travel plans, family plans, etc.

    It would be very interesting to hear what others do…although what you say, I know is true….plan for the future (and I’ll add…live in the present)…

    When I wondered how my scan would turn out, I reflected that it would be too bad if it came back positive that I had lived the past 2+ years letting the shadow take over…


    Kathy….how fantastic is that? Congratulations. Kathy, I believe that writing down hopeful feelings to share with others will help you adapt to living with cancer. You can still do things you have always done; continue to make plans for the future and try to stay positive. You can do it, Kathy. Looking forward to hearing from the others because; what you are expressing is felt by so many others too.


    Great news Kathy! So grateful to hear your excellent update!



    Just got my Ca-19-9 figures…13.5, the lowest they have been at Johns Hopkins. Remembering that I was in a panic last summer when they were at 40, and Marian telling me it was really too early to panic, I want to support that by letting people know that the CA-19-9 rise and fall can be for other reasons.

    I have read other posts about the emotional toll and if there are postings from others about how they have learned to live with cancer, I would so appreciate their sharing their experiences.

    Thank you again to all who offer such support and knowledge and hope on this discussion board. I am so grateful as I know everyone else is….


    Congratulations!! Thank you for sharing your good news.


    Thank you all for the well wishes. I hope with more time I become calmer and centered…living with the cancer threat takes some real focus to master! Working on it, though. I appreciate this board so much.



    What great news! Congratulations and I am sure there are many many more clean scans for you to post in the good news section. We all take such joy in the good news that is posted here.


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