Clinical Trial – Make an informed decision

Discussion Board Forums Clinical Trials Clinical Trial – Make an informed decision

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  • #2868

    Cancer knows no limits; neither should you when it comes to finding out
    about your treatment options. Scientific advances that may be used in years
    ahead to prevent, diagnose or treat cancer are available today by those participating
    in carefully controlled clinical trials. More than 1,600 trials of new
    cancer treatments are now underway, testing new combinations of alreadyapproved
    drugs, as well as new techniques, approaches and medications.
    But clinical trials are not just a vital source of information; they can be of
    great value to the individuals who participate in them. In the majority of all trials,
    participants receive either the best existing treatment (also called the standard
    of care), or the new therapy. By investigating clinical trial options, patients can
    learn what the best available standard of care is for their disease.

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