Clinical trial testing Tuesday

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    Kris, FABULOUS! Like I wrote the other day, God has a plan and he doesn’t have to get our advise or permission. Its like what I had to go through to get back to the right GI Doctor. You had to go round and about to get to the right place. THe best of luck tomorrow!!


    After hours on the phone with the stupid insurance company, everything is a go for tomorrow… CT scan, blood and urine tests, genetic mapping and who knows what else? I hope to know in a couple of days if I’m cleared for continuing to try to get into the study… We will set up the biopsy and give it a go! I can’t believe it’s actually going to happen!
    I finally realized God has been in control all this time. I’m in His hands. I am so sure this is where I’m supposed to be that I have not taken a Xanax or a sleeping pill in days.

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