Co-Treatment of Dichloroacetate, Omeprazole and Tamoxifen Exhibited Sy

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  • #61120

    Hi Madeline,

    Many thanks for posting this link!

    Best wishes,



    I’ve registered just to let you know that the article you’re looking for is available here, entirely:

    The best for you! :)


    Kris, just in case you haven’t seen it, we discussed DCA here:


    thanks. I take omeprazole daily because of the pump. I would like to hear more about this DCA tho. Especially if it helps us. So I want to ask her when I see her next week. I take a multi vitamin, but she doesn’t like me to take “supplements” so I would have to ask her about extra D3. It can’t hurt, right??


    Hi, kris,
    I do not think it is harmful to take Prilosec(omeprazole) 20mg daily or Protonix 40mg along with vitamin D3 1000 units daily especially if you have GERD or acid reflux problem;The report(the Abstract) said:
    “Omeprazole (OPZ) and tamoxifen (TAM) strengthen the effects of anticancer drugs and dichloroacetate (DCA) inhibits tumor growth. This study assesses the synergistic effects of these drugs. “
    But you donot need to take Tamoxxifen or DCA in order to do so.

    They said OPZ and TAM ” strengthen the effects of anticancer drugs” –;but unless your doctor tell you to do so; I will not take DCA and tamoxifen,

    But Omeprazole does provide relief for acid reflux( I belief acid reflux and/or H.Pylori infection are the risk factors personally for CCA but they are NOT have been proven by the medical community yet.); I will also take vitamin D3 1000units daily since some of the clinical trial and research did provide some hint that it MAY works ( that means still not proven that it works.); but vitamin D3 is OTC medication and it is a vitamin; so I donot think it will be harmful to take them both.
    I myself take both vitamin D3 1000units and Portonix40mg daily for about 6 months now.
    God bless.


    I would really like to know what this says. I just joined and signed in to read it, but now it says 30 Euros to read further. Do you have access to it and can cut and paste the “good” parts on this forum??
    Thanks so much if you can.



    Co-Treatment of Dichloroacetate, Omeprazole and Tamoxifen Exhibited Synergistically Antiproliferative Effect on Malignant Tumors: In Vivo Experiments and a Case Report

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