Cold Nose & Clammy Skin

Discussion Board Forums Adverse Reactions & Side Effects Cold Nose & Clammy Skin

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    Thank you both very much. We saw the Onc today & I asked him, too. He said the cancer itself can cause sweats. She had her blood taken this afternoon in readiness for Day 1/Cycle 2 (which is scheduled for this Wednesday); hopefully that will rule out any infection.

    The Mac nurse said she may be losing hair within the nasal cavity, which could explain the cold feeling & the Onc also said Gem/Cis can thin the mucus membranes as they are fast-growing cells.

    Suddenly – from no answers, I seem to have been given quite a few, which is great!!


    Julia….I recall cold and clammy skin from other postings although, those were from way in the past. Has your sister had a blood test recently? This would rule out any possible infection.
    Best wishes,



    My dad has never experienced this, although he has always had a cold nose for many years. Perhaps you could phone the Macmaillan line and speak to one of their nurses as maybe they might have some idea?

    I’ve phoned them 3 times previously and they have always been very helpful. The number is 0808 808 00 00

    Best wishes



    My sister has had a cold, damp nose since she came out of hospital. None of the medics can tell her why this is happening (&, sadly, she isn’t reassured that, in a dog, this would indicate good health).

    She also often (but by no means always) has very clammy skin – even to the point of dripping – but just on her forehead & the back of her neck. There’s no temperature involved.

    Does anyone else experience this? She’s in her week off the chemo but it’s been happening since long before she started it.


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