Come in and laugh at me

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    Jeff, did ya have to say blueberry? That’s the only fruit I don’t like! These doctors, they only agree to disagree! They really need to put their egos aside. Good luck on it all we will be thinking of you! SOmehow I don’t picture you as a “grump”.


    Lainey…Like a blueberry bagel. Ha! You catch that Marion? Feeling pretty good. See onco again today to further discuss options and I start radiation this evening as well. I’ve been warned of possible sore throat from this treatment. That’s okay I got 4 cases of Ensure Plus on hand just in case,with lots of different flavored syrups and straws. If they try going to far to long I’ll say that’s enough for now gentlemen. I guess there was a diagreement between my Onco and radio/onco about type of treatment .I’ll get to the bottom of this today. I think I’ll skip my pain meds so I’m extra gumpy! Ha!
    Jeff G.


    OK, so now I get to share a mother story! My mother is 92 (dad lived to be 93)
    and has been extremely vain her whole life and more so now! She has a boyfriend at the retirement home who is 88 and not well. One day I called her and she was in a pity me mood and said “Your father left me so early”. I said Mom, he was 93. “I know but now I have Frank and he is so sick, I just have such bad luck with men!” This was 6 months ago and we are still howling about it!
    Jeff, how are you feeling??????


    Ha! Ha! Ha! That’s right better to let it out and bear the shame( in this case probally not), than keep it in and bear the pain. Ha! Ha! my mommy told me that one years ago. A couple of months ago, I was visiting her at the nursing home and she needed to go to the bathroom and she only wanted help from Jeffrey. So, nothing new i’ve helped patients before. Except in this case she couldn’t make up her mind whether she had gas or you know. So as I helped her stand up and pull up her depends, I felt something warm on the back of my hands, Yep ! I’ll leave the rest to your imagination. Ha! I hollered for the nurse for a little assistance ,then assured Mom it was all okay just a little accident in timing. She giggled and said to me , I guess I don’t need the prunes anymore. You had to have been there .Ha! my daughter and wife laughing at me ,not in front of mom, but after the fact. Then my wife remembered and said ,well Jeff you know that saying your Mom always said. They rubbed it in for a few days just to watch my face get red. Anyhow she got changed and then had a good ole dance around the ward, with parkinsons,dementia onset, and previous broken hip, she still could do the polka. Not bad for 80 years young.
    According to my wife, your always suppose to use your manners and say excuse me no matter how often, so some days I spend most of my time saying excu—-se

    me! Ha! Kris toot a you want, just remember to say excuse me even if they can’t hear where it come from. Isn’t that called self incrimination? Ha!
    Jeff G.



    Your story reminds me of a weekend training I had to attend for work. We had to introduce ourselves and a man introduced himself and introduced his friend, his colostomy bag, and advised us he had no control over any noises it might make! We were grateful for the warning! He was a deacon and a very gentle man and he became somewhat of a leader of the group that went through the training.



    A wonderful moment to share with us. I can only say, “Me, too!”




    That’s a riot! You made me laugh out loud! What, didn’t anybody laugh??? I hope you make some good friends in that class so you can re-live the moment with them!
    Joyce M


    That is hysterical….I would of fallen out of my chair laughing…then proceeded to wet my pants and very likely “fluffed” a few myself. Thanks for the good laugh Kris I am in tears because I now I know I am not alone with this issue…now how do we make it STOP? deb


    Listen, if the class can’t take a joke……..well thats too bad! Or perhaps you could tell them its your own version of Swedish.


    So how do you say go girl go in swedish???


    So I am back in Swedish class and today was our first test. Everyone was concentrating, thinking…you could hear a pin drop or in this case my very loud burping that I think most be classified as belching. Lovely. Classy. Thank goodness I sit at the front of the class so I didnt have to see their reactions. I wonder what American stereotype I confirmed. But as Jeff has pointed out, better out than in! I dont understand how I can make so much gas, but I am beyond thankful that today it was only burping and not the farting that came forth.

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