Compare 5FU-Based and Gemcitabine-based Chemo w/wo Cisplatin

Discussion Board Forums Chemotherapy & More Compare 5FU-Based and Gemcitabine-based Chemo w/wo Cisplatin

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  • #58198

    Just waned to chime in. Cholangiocarcinoma clinical trials should be conducted exclusively however, due to lack of accrual (in this country) we often see gallbladder included. It is however, a completely different cancer with completely different cell structure.
    Hugs and love


    Thanks ,Eli.

    mydadrocks, try to look under colon cancer for FOLFOX or FOLFINOX and the like and you will find some answers.
    God bless.



    I did a quick search using Google Scholar:

    Found two studies on Page 1 that seem relevant:

    [2010] Preliminary phase II results of oxaliplatin, 5-FU, and leucovorin in advanced biliary tract cancer.

    [2002] Oxaliplatin, fluorouracil and leucovorin for advanced biliary system adenocarcinomas: a prospective phase II trial

    I haven’t reviewed google search results beyond page 1.

    Searching PubMed for the same terms doesn’t return anything. Odd!!


    The second study is available on PubMed:


    while you’re on the search for info re. use of 5FU-based protocols for treatment of CCA –

    am i looking in the wrong place for any studies describing the use of FOLFIRINOX/FOLFOX/FOLFIRI for CCA? can’t find anything other than pancreatic CA studies.


    Hi, everyone,
    If it is of interest to you,please read.

    Current available literature from indicated:
    1. 5FU alone and older 5FU- based combination therapies- the objective response rates(OR ) is between 0-34%. Higher responses rate(OR=32%) are reported when using either infusional 5FU or 5FU with leucovorin(ie:using continuous infusion pump for 48 hrs);For unclear reasons,capecitabine as a single agent is LESS effective against CCA than for gallbladder(GB) cancer;(thus ,in my opinion and not from any other sources, Xeloda is more effective in extrahepatic CCA than intrahepatic CCA due to the physiological location of the extrahepatic bile ducts are closer to the GB than the intrahepatic bile ducts that originated from the inside of the liver for the intrahepatic CCA..

    2.Gemcitabine ALONE-The Objective responses rate is around 7-27%; for Gemzar+cisplatin combination ,a pooled analysis of 104 trails of a variety of chemotherapy regimens in advanced biliary cancer (dose not included the famous ABC trial which total pt. pop=410,CCA pt=242;gallbladder=148;ampullary=20 that means this famous ABC02 trials is not exclusively for CCA either) concluded that the GEM/CIS regimen offered the highest rates of objective response and tumor control compared to either gemcitabine-free or cisplatin-free regimens.,however,this did not translate into significant benefit in terms of either time to progression(ie:the time from the last scan that shows no tumor growth or stable to the time the new scan shows tumor is growing or new lesion is discovered) ; median overall survival (ie; is the middle number in months of all the patients who if have 100 patient in a study,and the MEDIAN overall survival is 20 months;that means 50 patients will survive less than 20 months and the other 50 patients will be live longer than 20 months); therefore the Gem/Cis regimen in their view(the uptodate literature review panel) should be considered a standard option,but NOT the definitive REFERENCE standard for treatment of advanced CCA.
    God bless.

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