Concerns with chemo treatments for my 84 year old dad

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    I like your dad’s attitude and the doctors attitude. Your dad must be pretty strong to go through all that he as and wants to keep fighting. You come from good genes! You sound lilke a wonderful daughter adn we will keep hoping for good results for dad.


    My mom is 66 and is starting 5 FU tomorrow. 21 days straight with a pump around her waist. she is being told it is a very slow dose and that most of her side effects can be treated with other meds. I’m assuming her dose will be much smaller than your father’s if he is only going once a week. I recall a posting the other day with a severe reaction to this chemo. we’ll just have to wait and see and take this one day at a time.. just like every day with this disease! I’m glad your dad is trying – he sounds like a fighter!
    Please keep us posted


    onlygirls…thanks for keeping us informed. I like the doctor’s comments in that your Dad can always quit when he wants to do so. Congratulations on his 84th Birthday and to you for being so supportive of him.
    Best wishes coming your way,


    Hello everyone, I had this message @ my original posting under introductions & want to make sure everyone reading this wonderful website has a chance to read this & hopefully respond. I’ve been keeping up with my reading of this website while my dad was receiving his radation. He finished about 2 weeks ago & went thru it with no real problems. He has been tired & making himself keep up his eating. I think he has only lost a few pounds. He had 28 treatments. He had his 84th birthday on Sept 1. We went to see the surgeon who did his resection operation & the surgeon is vey happy with the outcome. We went to the chemo Dr. last week & he wants to start him on his chemo treatments: Gemzar 5 FU. 6 months at once a week for 3 weeks then a week off. I am on the website now trying to learn about this treatment. I am hoping I can get some feedback from other members who have gone thru this type of treatment who are older like my dad. My brothers & I have told him this is his decision. The Dr. says if you want to fight & hope for a longer life, than go for it. If you have lived a full life & don’t want to fight, don’t do it. I just wonder how much more time it will give him if her goes thru it or will it bring down his quality of life too much. The Dr. said he can always quit if he doesn’t want to finish it, if he thinks it’s too bad. He will go for a CAT scan in the 1st part of Nov.
    Take care & God bless

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