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    Dear Cress, Congratulations on Dad pulling through the Whipple. My husband had one and while it is not life threatening it is the biggest surgery to the human body. I am going to try to help you get somewhere on this. My husband had the same problem but they discovered very quickly that the liquid seeping out was from a small hole that opened up inside along the line of stitches. He ended up in rehab for 3 weeks where the ONC wanted to “starve” the hole so nothing at all would come in contact with it. I could not even bring any type of food what so ever in to the room. He was on an IV for that whole time, he called that his candy bag, BUT it worked. The hole healed without further surgery. He was 73 and they just didn’t want to do more surgery. My other suggestion would be to get a consult with another Doctor and see what he says to do. Teddy never had chemo as they said it would not work where his CC was located, this was 10 years ago and hopefully some things have changed. I would ask about a fistula. Not sure but I think that is the word for the hole. Wishing you and your Dad the very best.


    My 79 year old dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in March this year, a tumour was found to be pushing the bile duct and blocking it. My dad then had surgery of a stent being put in whilst a decision was made wherher he met the criteria for the Whipple procedure. Thankfully he was approved to go ahead. 3 weeks later has had the surgery which was a very stressful time for all of us, as the drugs made him a completely different person and he also experienced septic shock from the surgery. Thankfully he over came this. After a week in hospital, he was able to leave but had two drains for the liquid from the pancreas to come from. Since then, it’s been confirmed it was definitely cancer and two lymph nodes were removed and tested where they have found specks of cancer cells.
    Today, my dad saw the oncologist where he advised that as he still has liquid coming out of him into a bag/drain they are unable to carry out chemo. Time is of the essence now as they say there is only a 3 month window to perform chemo. If the liquid doesn’t dry up this would cause an infection.
    I am now extremely worried and wondered whether anyone else has experienced the same thing? I am so worried as I have read that people have more than two lymph nodes removed and seem to all have chemo!!

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