Constantly nauseated and not eating anything

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Constantly nauseated and not eating anything

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    Dear Lindsay, I am so very sorry about your Mother, sounds like a very strong lady to have already proven the Doctors wrong! Wheb my husband couldn’t or wouldn’t eat I gave him a Carnation Instant Breakfast. It takes the place of a whole meal and is full of nutrients. I would blend a banana in the vanilla shake and he really liked them. A scrambled egg with toast or even canned chicken soup became his staples. As for Hospice they need to know everything right down to the most minor complaint so they can fix it. As for you Dear Lindsay, you must stop looking back and beating yourself up as you are already using enough energy knowing what your Mother is going through, without Lindsay bashing! One step at a time, one day at a time is the best way to help your Mother as well as yourself. Wishing you and your family the very best possible.
    Please keep us posted as we all care.


    Hello Lindsay


    My apologies. I just reread your post and noticed that your mum has a hospice doctor, so I would see if you can get your sister to speak with them as soon as you can. Also, here is a link that may be of interest to you –

    Best wishes,



    Hi Lindsay,

    Welcome to the site. So very sorry that you had to find us all and I am sorry also to hear about your mum. But I’m glad that you have joined in here with us all as you have come to the best place for support and help, and you will get tons of both from everyone here. I was my dads carer during his fight with CC and I can relate to how you feel right now, but it must be so much harder for you not being there with your mum right now.

    Is your mum taking any meds for her nausea right now, and when did the nausea start? There are a wide variety and types of meds that can help with the nausea, and if your mum is not taking any right now then I strongly suggest that you get your mums doctor to see your mum so that she can be given something for this. Is your mum under hospice care right now or not? If she is then speak with her hospice care team as quicjkly as you or your sister can. Nausea is very common with CC and my dad had many issues with that as well. There are a ton of posts on the site about nausea and using the search forum finction at the top of the page will bring them up if you want to read more on this.

    You said that your mum had a stent inserted but this was removed due to an infection. Did she have another stent placed when the original one was removed? Please do not worry about venting or rambling here, you come here and do that as much as you want to. This is a tough situation that you are in right now and we know how you feel and what you are going through, and we care. Please keep coming back and keep us updated on your mum.

    My best wishes to you and your mum,



    Lindsay, I feel for you and your feeling of helplessness. Be strong. I’m sure others with the experience on this Board will respond soon with some great suggestions.


    Hi all, my mother was diagnosed last September(2010), and she is way beyond doctors’ prognosis(3 to 6 months), but these days, she says everything is so bitter and she can’t eat anything. She’s become so weak and it sounds like she’s having a problem catching her breath.
    I have a long story to tell, but didn’t have the time. Yet, if everything settles a bit, I will definitely back to write my mom’s journey.
    My mom is 65 yrs old and had two cycles of 5FU and cisplatin, but stopped Chemo and tried some alternative procedures(something similar to gerson’s), but got worse and this January, she had a stent/bile bag installed and also another bag for water in the belly(sorry, English is not my first language) and it seemed like her condition stabilized and she was all right for 6 months, but last month, she had to take out the stent for belly water because of infections. She’s taking megesterol(?? to get appetite back) again which used to work but it seems it’s not working anymore. Any suggestions for nausea? Acupuncture used to help, but not anymore. A month ago, hospice doctor told us she has less than two month but it seemed so unreal back then, but she’s getting so weak a day by day. She sacrificed so much to brought up her three children and I love her so much. These days, I regret everyday, why I didn’t get to spend more time with her, but it still kills me that I’m here in NY to support her financially, and she is in Korea getting treatments/pallative care- one of my sister quit her job to take care of my mom. There are so many what ifs and so much pain, and I’m losing my mind but one step at a time,and I need her to eat/take something. I’m so sorry to mumble and vent. Any advice would be very appreciated.

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