Coping with the Pain

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    My dad went through something similar. He built a tolerance to Morphine and had horrible and uncontrollable pain for a while. He was put on Methadone and Oxicodone for break-through pain. These drugs made him high, sleepy and totally out of it but it did control his pain. He was eventually weaned off the Meth and Oxy and put back on Morphine. His tolerance to the Morphine seems to have gone away after being off it for a couple of months.

    Good luck to you, hope your mom can find something that helps her.



    Ashley – I agree with everyone’s information above, particularly that every person deals with medications differently. Fentanol did not work for my son, but a combination of dilaudid and oxycontin and oxycodone kept things in check for him. Fight, fight and fight with your Mom’s doctors for a combination of things that work for her. Don’t take no for an answer! Good luck – Nancy


    Ahley…In this day and age no one should have to suffer from pain. As has been mentioned you may need to ask the doctor for different kinds of presprictions. By all means do not give up. You might want to explain to the treating physician that the current regiment is not working and that your Mom needs to be eleviated from the pain. If all fails you might want to consider taking her to the hospital. They will have to deal with this issue and they will.
    Hang in there, be firm and don’t give up.
    All my best wishes,


    Hi Ash, My husband did not tolerate morphine well so he takes hydromorphone which is working very well for him. You can read about it on the web and ask the doctor. Take care and I hope you find something to relieve your mom’s pain. Nancy


    My dad also had a fentanyl patch and liquid morphine for break through pain. One important thing the Hospice nurse told us about the patch was to take it off if my dad had a fever over 100. It will release too much medication with fever. Might be something you want to ask since often infections/fever occur with cc.



    My Mom was also on the fentanyl patch which was changed every 72 hours. She also had the immediate release morphine tabs for breakthrough pain. These worked very well for her.

    Please keep addressing your Mom’s pain issues. Pain can be controlled and when it’s not it’s so wearing. You are a great advocate for your Mom and a wonderful daughter.

    I’m sending prayers and hugs to you!



    My husband is on Fentanyl Patchs (400 mcg) which is slow release and changed every 72 hours. He also takes 24 mgms of immediate release hydromorphone tabs every hour as necessary (usually twice a day). Before the Fentanyl patches, we were having trouble controlling his pain but everything seems good now. It did take a few days for the Palliative care team to come up with the correct dosage and it was constantly adjusted until he was only taking a couple of doses of oral meds a day. Good luck
    P.S. On the Fentanyl patches Herb is not “dopey” at all…completely with it!


    Hi Ash. Teddy was on 350MG of Morph 2 times a day, it was slow releasing but then he had hourly breakthrough doses of 175mg. He was having so many strange nightmares that they changed the Morp to a Fentenyl (sp?) patch and that also worked. His key seemed to be the hourly doses that did the job. Wishing you much good luck on the clinicals. It hurts us so much to see loved ones suffer so. FYI: What ever you post under, they all come up in the same place. Sometimes the Board is not that busy on weekends and each day is different. The Moderators try to catch everyone even if its for one word. Better luck this time. Try to stay strong, we all care.


    I know there is a discussion thread for this and I will post there as well but seems like this board gets more responses. Mom is currently taking 480 mg of morphine daily not including the 15mg fast acting morphine when the pain gets unbearable. She was wondering if there is any other type of pain medication that anyone has taken that seemed to help with the pain. Its almost like she’s getting immune to this..its not working and I hate seeing her hurt. She is so sore from the tumors pressing on her organs as well. We have talked to the doctor and he just up’d the dosage but still not working. Thanks in advance for all of your help and support. Mom is leaving on Saturday for her Phase 1 Clinical Trial in San Antonio.


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