CT results today

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    Love your plan. But I would say 5 years…..and then some.


    I share your viewpoint. God does have a timeline, and no doctor can really know when our time is up.

    My youngest daughter will graduated from high school in 2010, and hopefully from college in 2014.

    My middle daughter will graduate from a two year program in 2012.

    My son will graduate from teaching college (including one year internship) in 2013.

    So I just have to hang in there another 5 years :)

    God bless you all!



    Lisa, Sounds like you got some really good news! Lazy cancer sounds like a good thing!!!

    Louise, What an uplifting attitude you have!!!!

    Love, Amy


    What is the timeline for those graduations?
    I’ve been told (when metastasis had returned) that I might not have 5 years, but I’m confident that the doctor was not speaking God’s word on that. Shortly after I was first diagnosed, I felt God was asking me to answer the question Abraham was asked about Isaac, “Are you willing to be obedient even if it costs you your son(s)?” It brought tears to my eyes because I have 2 sons in high school (as well as 4 older kids) and I really want to see them graduate. However, spending eternity with God, Jesus, and my family is more important than the relatively short time given us here. So I answered God that I was willing to do His will. I believe that decision was the foundation for my peace in the midst of this battle. For now, I am in remission, with hope of many years to come. Since Keith is a senior and Brian is a junior, high school graduations seem within reach and maybe even college. One of my neighbors had a dream in which she and I had taken up mall-walking for exercise. In her dream, we were walking in the mall and the calendar in a store showed a (current) year of 2012. That confirmed my hope in God’s timing.
    I have told people that there is only room for one capital C in my life, and Christ is bigger than any cancer. How I’ve lived with this battle has been a witness to many people and I am confident that it has been cause of loads of prayers. My confidence that God can use my trials to further His purposes has increased my faith. My prayer for all of us is that we find His peace here and that we can look forward to a wonderful reunion in the biggest party ever when our individual walks in this world are over.
    God bless us all!
    Louise :)



    Glad to hear the good news. I too think that with your attitude you will be here for those graduations.

    Love & Hugs,


    Lisa….such great news. I never thought to like a lazy cancer until you came along. I strongly believe that every day will bring us closer to even more effective treatment options and I am expecting you to see the graduations of all your children.


    Hi Lisa;
    That is great news. I know exactly what you mean about graduation and grandbabies. I would love to be around long enough to see at least my first grandbaby. First I have to hang in long enough for my daughter to graduate from college. I also feel the same way about the weight. I wouldnt mind being 10lbs lighter but I want to have a cushion just in case. Congratulations again on your good news. Take care and God Bless,


    Thanks, Lainy. I would love to see grandbabies some day, too :)

    I forgot to say that the scan did not show any lymph node involvement. YEA!


    Hi Lisa, girl!! Pretty good news. I would expect that with your attitude you will see one heck of a graduation!


    I received the results from the CT scan today. The doctor is pleased as the cancer is progression very slowly. I guess I have a lazy cancer. Some people would say that fits my personality – laid back. Among the constellation of cancer spots in my lungs, there is a 2 cm node in my lung as well, but it took a year to double, so that is good news as well. We would be worried if it doubled every 3 months. Had chemo today, so I’m feeling a bit tired and weak.

    My new oncologist also said that I have a fatty liver, so it is hard to really get a good look at the tumor in the liver. Also, because my tumor is less of a solid mass than an infiltrating tumor, it is difficult to say how big it is.

    This is the first I have heard about having a fatty liver. Does this mean I have to give up chocolate? haha! Actually, I have been eating very healthy lately, so I will try to excercise more. I’m afraid to lose weight, because that seems to be a sign of decline in cc patients. I kind of want to keep the weight on, just in case.

    So I asked my doc if I can expect to be around in 10 years. He kind of hemmed and hawed, that that was too much to ask, but thinks that I should have a couple of years left anyway. Of course, my goal is to see my kids graduate from college, and I want to acheive that goal! Like Rose Barlow, who hung in there long enough to see her son graduate from high school.

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