CT Scan/chemo/shrinkage

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working CT Scan/chemo/shrinkage

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  • #84569

    Congrats on the good news with the chemo! It sounds like it is working well for you and my fingers are crossed for this to continue for you. Hopefully this shrinkage will continue and that will open up the possibility of further treatments being an option further down the line for you. This has happened before for some of our members and there is no reason that it can’t happen for you too.

    Congrats once again and please keep us informed of how things go.

    My best wishes to you,



    First and foremost, congratulations on the great response to treatment, fantastic news!
    Chemo and radiation are not curative for this cancer however it makes it possible to live with the disease of Cholangiocarcinoma. I would take a look at our “Good News” section for inspiration. Here we have many responding positively to various treatments enjoying a quality of life similar to that of living with a chronic disease and why should you not be in this group as well? Yesterday our Lulu posted on this very same subject.

    Understanding of the molecular biology of CC is increasing and that knowledge holds considerable promise for development of new therapeutic strategies. First and foremost, I hold on to the hope that a cure is in everyone’s future as well.


    Went for a CT of the chest, abdomen and pelvis. The previous scan showed the mass at 7.2 x 4.8 cm. I have done 3, 2 week on 1 week off of chemo (gemzar and cisplatine) the mass has shrunk to 5.6 x 3.5 cm. Also shows no dilation of the biliary tree. All other glands look good and no additional hepatic mass is identified. Kidney’s look good, bowel looks good except fot my diverticulosos. Appendix good, bladder good, abdomen good.Was very happy to hear that the chemo is working so far. I will continue to pray.

    Was not happy when the Oncologist said that there is no cure for this. Said it is still too big to do radiation because they don’t want to damage the liver so we will continue with the chemo and maybe when it gets smaller they will do the TRACE radiation. I also asked about surgery and he said at this time he really didn’t know, but it was possible in the future I might be able to go to the University of Miami. So we will wait and see.

    I don’t understand why there is no cure. Is it because it is in the bile duct and the chemo doesn’t help it or is it because they can’t remove the bile duct and put something in it’s place. Maybe someone can explain this better to me. As much as I have read maybe I jut don’t understand this terrible disease.

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