ct scan findings

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    Kandre: The matter of individual choices in re: to treatment options represents one of our most basic rights as humans. However, in order to make a choice of such magnitude we have to explore, understand, comprehend, and then make an educated choice.

    Alternative medicine differs from conventional medicine in that it does not have to undergo the rigorous clinical trials and large scale studies in order to prove the efficacy of such treatments.
    Complimentary medicine combines alternative treatments with conventional therapies. Some physicians practice this type of medicine also.
    Metastatic disease is difficult to treat and cannot be cured however; there is always the hope that with a given therapy a positive response can be achieved. This requires trial and error while balancing quality of life vs. quantity of life.
    One should always remember that patients have the power to stop treatments at any given time. I would suggest that you have a heart to heart talk with the treating physician. You might want to ask him as to what he would choose for a family member in a similar situation. If possible I would also consult with another specialist familiar with this disease.
    My heart is with you. You have come to a cross road and the next step will take some thorough investigating.

    All my best wishes,


    Kendra, go to our search button at the top and type in “natural medicines” and see if any older posts pop up. Best of luck.


    My husband is not sure if he want to continue with the chemo.
    He is looking into natural medicines. Can some one plse give me an opinion.
    What do you think of “faith drops”



    thanks Marion and Lainy. a New day and I will start all over again.
    will keep you updated.


    Kandre, I am not sure what you can do as my Teddy was always so positive. I would say for you and the girls to be positive and yes, fun and when he is ready he will come through in his own time. I know it’s so hard for everyone but just present a strong front and if you feel you have to let go, take a ride or walk and do what ever works for you. Best wishes.


    Kandre….It always is difficult to feel encouraged when a proposed treatment is not guaranteed to work. But there is a reason to believe that it may be beneficial to him – it has been to others. Hopefully within the next few days and weeks, your husband will attack this cancer again with vigor and determination. We never know until we try and we must remember: it is in our power to stop treatment at any time.
    I hope for things to look up for your husband and am sending all my best wishes your way.


    Hi Pam/Lainy, we 7 hours drive away from Cape Town. We are staying in Port Elizabeth. My husband’s stents were put in at the Groote Schuur hospital in Cape Town.

    The dr cant tell us if my hubby will benifit from the chemo. He was previously for 10 months on chemo and had radiation for 25 days.

    Trying my best to stay strong for him and the daughters, what can I do to stop him being so negative.

    Will keep you updated.



    Dear Kandre, I am sorry about the CT report but glad the Doctor has a game plan. Once your husband starts the chemo you will feel a little better because something is being done. Try to be strong as it will get you through this so much better and will be better for your husband. When our loved ones have to worry about us it drains important energy that they need. Please keep us posted as we truly care and sending best wishes for your husband.


    Dear Kandre,

    I understand the feelings of helplessness but know we are all here for you. We have seen very good results here with the various chemos. I know you will feel better when you have a plan of action in place. It’s so hard watching someone you love battle this monster of a disease. Please take care of yourself (as the caregiver) and come back often and let us know how things are progressing.

    Sending hugs and prayers for strength and healing!


    I have a very good friend that lives in Cape Town. Are you close to that?


    my hubby’s ct scan not looking good – enlargement of prev metastatic liver lessions with new ones. also a large new necrotic crural lymph node present.
    imaging confirming desease progression. The dr is going to put him on chemo.
    I am feeling so helpless.

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