dad a candidate for whipple

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    I had a whipples last May and got the all clear (cancer-free) in August. I’m hoping for similar results for your Dad.

    Please keep us informed of progress……………….Gerry


    Hi Daddylove,

    This is great news! Thank you so much for sharing it with us all. I hope for a successful surgery for your dad and please let us know how it goes.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,



    Thanks for all your support! He will be operated on at ucla with the world renowned surgeon named dr busutill.


    This is great news, as Lainy has mentioned, surgery is the only chance for a cure. It’s wonderful that he is still a candidate for whipple after six months. My dad had a whipple in January (he had been jaundiced for quite a while and the doctor said ‘it’s a slow growing kind, so a few weeks here or there won’t make much difference’. Dad’s whipple was successful and he had a fairly event free recovery. He’s now back to work and living life to the full.
    I wish your dad very good luck with the surgery.



    Great news! My dad had a Whipple in March and bought us all this time! It has been great! I hope it is a smooth surgery for you guys!



    daddylove, can a daughter be any closer to her dad than to give him blood? That is real daddylove! Teddy had a Whipple over 5 years ago. Best of luck on the test.


    My dad was initally diagnosed in April 2010 and opted not to have the sugery (he was a candidate) and opted not to have chemo/radi. He seeked holistic therapy and it’s been working since the disease hasn’t progressed too far since April. We seeked another surgical consultation for resection today and he is indeed a candidate for resection. The surgeon explained that he would perform a lap via making two small incision to investigate the site since the CT fails to detect everything and if he sees that his disease is indeed resectable, he’d go ahead with the whipple procedure. It’s amazing that he is still a candidate for a surgery even after 6 months post dx without chemo and radiation. I’m donating my blood so that he can receive my blood during sugery if he needs it. I give on a regular basis and we are a match! I’m just glad that I can help in any way possible for my dad.

    Best wishes to everyone!

    From Los Angeles

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