Dad diagnosed with inoperable klatskin Tumour oct 2006

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Dad diagnosed with inoperable klatskin Tumour oct 2006

  • This topic has 16 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by andy.
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    Hi Narinder,
    Fantastic news and thanks for sharing. I’ve only been 18 months so far from initial diagnosis, so it’s good to find others who have gone further! And we did many of the things that you describe too – juicing, supplements and positivity. The main difference is your dad had surgery and I did chemo. But it seems like either way it can work!


    That’s wonderfully inspiring, Narinder. My sister & I both love juice, so I’ve dusted off my juicer & set up an order for a weekly delivery of veg.

    My best wishes to you & your Dad – & thank you.



    Sorry for not replying earlier. My father did now want to do chemotherapy because he understands how it can ravish your healthy cells as well as the tumor.What we did was bought a high quality juicer and juiced organic fruits and vegetables mainly carrots, beets and green veggies like cabbage or spinach.Supplements he took were beta carotene, multi vitamin tablets and a few other supplements like selenium.He did this for almost a year and it improved his health in general and made him stronger and healthier.He stopped taking the juices eventually because he didnt like them but he does continue to eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables.He understands his body quite well now and knows what he can and cannot tolerate.He does not eat fatty foods at all.
    My e mail address is


    Marylloyd…..sorry for the delay. I was in Chicago and attended the ASCO. Would you be so kind and e-mail me at I will then attach the information in my reply. This way we will be sure for you to receive it.


    I may have accidently deleted it. Can you send it again? Thanks, Mary


    My dad was diagnosed 10 April with exactly the same. We have been told today that with Chemo he has 11 months. Reading your story Narinder has given me hope. What supplements does your Dad take?


    Marylloyd….I have e-mailed the information to you. Have you received it? Good luck with the stent. I am wishing for an uneventful and highly effective ERCP.


    Hi Marion,
    Sorry Narinder, but yes that is the correct e-mail. We’ve been very busy selling plants seven days a week for the past 5 weeks. We’re done now and Tom is having an ercp next week to remove the stent placed in April. I will write when we get through that. Fingers crossed for no drama this time- just easy like the good old days. Mary


    Hi Narinder,

    Welcome to the site. I am a bit late here but just wanted to join in with the others in welcoming you here. And thank you for sharing your dads story with us all and I know that it will help others. I do hope that you will keep coming back here and long may the good news continue for your dad.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,




    I’m so glad that you have found this site to be helpful to you, and you have kept in touch. What a great story you have shared. Thank you so much. I hope you keep coming back here for continued support and to continue to share your family’s experience with us, your extended family.

    My best wishes for you and continued good news for your father.

    Linda Z.


    The e mail is correct
    and thank you all for you replies i just wanted people to know that although it is hard when a loved one is sick that we all need to have faith and empower ourselves.


    Mary… great to hear from you. Presently, I am at ASCO and a front line story has just been realeased re: prostrate cancer. I will e-mail it to you. Is the e-mail address provided by you, on this site, still correct?


    Narinder…..what a great story. I wish for continued success. As it turns out, you are now helping us by sharing the success of your Dad.
    Please, continue to keep us in your thoughts.


    Dear Narinder, Welcome to our wonderful Family and thank you very much for starting our week off with such a great story. We hope this story continues to be so successful. Your father is lucky to have such a wonderful son who is walking by his side for this Journey. It sounds like you have found a winning combination of love, family and caring.


    That’s wonderful that your Dad is doing so well. Your Dad’s initial diagnosis and treatment sounds just like my husbands.He was diagnosed with a klatskin tumor 4 years ago in June ’06. They initially did surgery but also decided removing the tumor was too risky. They followed up with intensive radiation and brachytherapy and his tumor went away and he remains tumor free. They still won’t say he is cancer free( he actually now has early prostate cancer) but they have not found anything after repeated biopsies so we think he is “cured”. I also believe very strongly in the benefit of foods and supplements in fighting cancer and this one in particular.In a lot of ways my husband is healthier now than pre- cancer diagnosis. His cholesterol, blood pressure. weight are all better.If it weren’t for scar tissue and now this prostate issue he would be fine for 62 years old. Thanks for your story and I hope your Dad continues to have good health. Mary

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