Dad diagnosed with inoperable klatskin Tumour oct 2006

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Dad diagnosed with inoperable klatskin Tumour oct 2006

  • This topic has 16 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by andy.
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  • #38863

    Welcome to the site and I am so happy your dad is doing so well. May this long continue.



    Hi everyone, Ive been reading posts on this website for almost 4 years now since my 61 year old father now 65 was diagnosed with cc.His story started with itching and then the onset of jaundice.After a few weeks he finally went for ultrasound and bloodwork and ERCP showed blocked ducts.About 2-3 months later he saw a liver specialist at Vancouver General Hospital who decided he would do exploratory surgery.We still had to wait another few months.He required a few stent changes in the meantime.Since his problems started i started looking into the ways that people deal with their cancer and started doing some of those things with him.We bought a good juicer and made him lots of fresh fruit juices which he tolerated reasonably well.Next was minerals,vitamins and other good supplements.We told him to stop working which he did and to have a positive attitude no matter what the outcome.It was an emotional rollercoaster for me,my mum and my wife.The day of the surgery arrived, the surgeon came to us after a few hours and determined he did now want to proceed with the surgery do to its complexity. no guaranteed cure and that my fathers quality of life may suffer.He told us that the tumour was extrahepatic and about the size of a walnut and near the portal vein.No mets was seen, the gallbladder was removed and lymph nodes were negative.Well he came home and we carried on with the same regimen of juice and supplements and its been nearly 4 years now.He has seen the birth of his first grandchild and will soon see his second.He does what he wants to enjoy himself and remains positive.Subsequent CT scans have not shown growth or spread of tumour and his stent has remained open for a long time now.I know that these tumours are all different in nature but this is our story.With prayers and positivity and love our family has gone through this tough time, we dont know how the story will end but for now everything is okay.He did not do any chemotherapy.My advice from my experience is to remain positive and educate yourself on what cancer is and how the body through love prayer and good foods can help fight ailments. Good luck to everyone my thoughts and prayers are always with you.Im an only child, im 32 and this site helped me in my time of desperation so thank you to

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