Dad got appointment for his EUS

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    Panic over hubbie will be picking our birthday boy up! he will be 9.

    Hopefully it won’t take too long as it’s one of the first appointments. Only problem is Dad seems to get really knocked out, even by light sedation!

    Our son is very close to my Dad, when he was born my Dad was recovering from a major op for bowel cancer, we still say the birth of our son helped him to beat it. Life is cruel though he beats bowel cancer only to get CC!They bonded really quick as I was always at my parents when I was on maternity leave.

    Best wishes



    Andie…..I so much understand. Juggling one’s affairs take on a new meaning when we try to support everyone. I always hoped for everything to work accordingly, but made a back-up plan for the unexpected. My husband’s biopsy procedure lasted a few minutes only however, some people ran way over the allotted time for various reasons including, physicians delay, difficulty in retrieving tissue sample, tissue sample inconclusive, and more.
    BTW: How old will be your little one?
    Best wishes coming your way,


    Thanks Marion,

    I didn’t make myself clear in my first post, Dads appointment is the 17th May. Think I will have to ask hubbie to pick our son up from school, I could ask one of my friends but its his birthday so ideally either myself or my husband need to pick him up. If not I will have to leave and pick Dad up from hospital later. It’s hard when you’re an only child and the only one that drives, saying that though I wouldn’t want anyone else to take Dad!


    Andi….I would make back-up plans, just in case.
    Good luck today.


    My Dad has had an appointment today fro his EUS/biopsy. It’s on my little boys birthday. Does anyone know how long this procedure takes? I know my Dad is going to be sedated for it. Only his appointment is at 10 and I will have to leave at 1.30 to get to the school on time.

    He has then got an appointment on the 11 June to see his consultant, hopefully if things are ok he can start his chemo.

    He is getting stronger by the day and has started to gain the weight he lost in hospital. His appetitie is really good at the moment so it’s lovely to see him eat. Even his colour is getting back to normal at last! The only thing that hurts me is the sparkle in his eyes seem to have gone, he puts on a brave face for the family but inside I can only imagine what he is going through.

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