Dad is feeling cold

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    My Tom is constantly ‘cold’, and I know that it’s because he has no body fat at all, therefore he cannot regulate his temp like I do. I have more than enough body fat and have offered him some of mine!

    We have a gas fireplace in the great room that is on almost constantly, and in the living room we have a regular wood burning fireplace that has a fire in it every day! Plus he has the thermostat set at about 75, but with both fireplaces going it’s never less that 80 in here (unless it’s in the early morning when we first wake up!)

    I sleep in very light pj’s with no covers on me and Tom sleeps under an electric blanket, then the sheet, a quilt and a heavy comforter and is bundled up to his neck.

    If your dad is ‘shaking’ and complaining that he is ‘chilled’ when no one else feels cold, that could be a sign of an infection starting. Chills is one of the things that we have to watch for with Tom. You may want to at least let your dad’s oncologist know about this so they can get some blood work and checked the white blood count – they will be able to tell if there is any infection present!

    Go with God and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer.



    Thanks Lainy! I will pass on the heating pad idea and will see if he would like an electric blanket. My Dad is coming over tomorrow for Thanksgiving. I will be sure to turn up the thermostat and throw a log or two on the fire. I will let him know that Teddy had a “3 quilt night”, and that this is common.



    Oh,boy is this ever common. We have our heat up to 80 all the time. One time Teddy got so cold I put him to bed with 3 quilts and a heating pad. See if the heating pad helps agains his tummy/chest.


    Dad is now a month into his chemo. We just came back from dinner, he said he is feeling cold a lot. My Mom said, they keep forgetting to ask the doctor about it. Is this common? Any suggestions besides turning up the heat and layers of clothing….
    Thanks, Thirdone

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