Dad recently diagnosed… worried about 3 yr old son

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Dad recently diagnosed… worried about 3 yr old son

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    Hi Hilda – My husband also has stage IV with mets to his lungs, right illiac and many vertabra. We have two girls ages 10 & 6 and although we focus on his treatment we are just as much or more focused on our girls and making memories with them. My husband has said that his goal is to be a dad as long as he can be and he’s not ready to give up on that job anytime soon. It is very tough and this site offers tons of support. Hang in there and know that you are not alone. – Colleen


    Hey Hilda…It seems that when all hope is lost…just about the time you are ready to fall to your knees and cry out “Why US!!??” something way bigger than all of this steps in and gives us a little more strength, a little more courage, a little more of everything to get through the next few hours. We just got home from the hospital down in Phoenix preparing Lee, my husband for his stent surgery tomorrow afternoon…this is the first step in getting his body some nutrients from real food rather than his high calorie iv drip…then comes the major surgery to try to remove the lesions….we have a seven year old little girl…I know your husband like mine, will do ANYTHING to beat this nasty, horrible disease for our babie’s. I am here for you….and will be on my knees praying for miracles like no other…Cuz ya know what? God is in the business of miracle making AND He is WAY bigger and badder than this monster!!!



    Hi Hilda, my husband Charlie, age 52 is also Stage IV diagnosed 5/07 and is going strong. We were told he would be gone by Christmas. Gemzar chemo last summer, chemoembolization, 60% of his liver taken out in 11/07, just finished radiation and oral chemo. I know this all sounds overwhelming and new to you. We were right where you are last May. Get 2nd, 3rd opinions if you need to. Keep reading and researching. We were fortunate enough to find a surgeon who wanted to take a chance and remove all the tumors from his liver. I pray you find what is right for Hector. We’re here if you have more questions or concerns. Stay positive and strong.


    Charlie’s out digging up dead bushes in the yard! Take that, you 3 to 6 month naysayers!


    Hilda, I have a 10 year old son who I am worried about as well (I am a single mom). Don’t dwell on the life expectancy bs, the truth is no one really knows, this disease is so rare they don’t have enough statistics to be able to say for certain. I am not so naive as to think there is a cure, but there are enough people on this board who have beaten the stats to give me faith that maybe i can too. RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH, don’t just go on one opinion, talk to Mayo or one of the other cancer centers, but don’t just accept.


    My dear husband, H

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